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"PSA: don't transfer Electabuzz (yet)"

#PokemonGO: Electabuzz community day is just about to come to a close in New Zealand and I figured it might be a good idea to share this advice regarding the Electric for Electabuzz special research.>! You'll be required to catch a total of 30 Electabuzz and transfer a total of 20 Pokémon throughout the research. So instead of transferring mons with bad IVs as soon as you catch them, hold onto them until steps 2 and 3 of the research which each have a transfer 10 Pokémon task. !<(spoiler tagged in case people don't want to know what the special research contains)Hope everyone has a good community day and that this information might be useful to some. via /r/pokemongo
"PSA: don't transfer Electabuzz (yet)" "PSA: don't transfer Electabuzz (yet)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 18:58 Rating: 5

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