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"PEEVE: low-CP Blissey on bottom rungs of friendly gym"

#PokemonGO: "Low" in this case meaning less than about 1800.I see this so often, at least locally. I'm not talking about when the gym is more than half full. I'm talking about folks putting their low Blisseys on as the 2nd/3rd defender to take a lower rung. Are people so proud of their Blisseys that they want to show them off, no matter what their CP? Seems to me this presents an obvious deterrent to prestiging, without actually presenting much of a challenge in battling.Or am I missing some strategy?EDIT: My in-game location where I work is within view of several gyms, the statuses of which I compulsively check throughout the day. I'm not talking about a defender migrating to a lower rung as higher defenders are stacked on top of it. I'm talking about what I see happening: a trainer intentionally placing a low-CP Blissey on a rung lower than most/all extant defenders.ANOTHER EDIT: Travelers, respectfully, what is with the downvotes? Over in the sidebar it says the Silph Road community is focused on three objectives, two of which are discussing game strategy and helping newbies improve and learn. My question is directed to whether or not I'm missing a strategic benefit of a game practice I see -- whatever the answer, the discussion benefits folks interested in learning about gym strategy. Just wanted to say this because I see a TON of useful topics downvoted in this sub. Just because you have learned something doesn't mean everyone else has. Thanks. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"PEEVE: low-CP Blissey on bottom rungs of friendly gym" "PEEVE: low-CP Blissey on bottom rungs of friendly gym" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:41 Rating: 5

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