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"Niantic, if you don't communicate with us about issues like tracking or rural problems, people WILL quit."

#PokemonGO: It is actually pathetic how badly you are handling this. You don't even need to fix the issues right away, just acknowledge that you know about them and they will be fixed.Many of my friends are already thinking about quitting because of this stupid 3-step bug and the fact that there is 0 pokemon where they live. If they had some hope that issues like these would be fixed, maybe they wouldn't quit this broken game.But no, complain about the fucking tracking sites which are the only thing keeping us playing because we can't find pokemon otherwise. via /r/pokemongo
"Niantic, if you don't communicate with us about issues like tracking or rural problems, people WILL quit." "Niantic, if you don't communicate with us about issues like tracking or rural problems, people WILL quit." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:54 Rating: 5

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