"My attempt at beating Pokemon Red with fewest battles possible"

So a while back I decided to play Pokemon Red with following rules:Cannot catch or battle any wild PokemonsIf Pokemon trainer is avoidable, avoid them if not, battle themThe Only pokemon you can have are gift PokemonsWell. Before I started this I put some thoughts on which starter I would choose. When I battle Brock my starter is Level 7. And the only one who can beat him is Bulbasaur with Leech Seed. Therefore, I had to choose him. My tactic was Leech Seed and Growl. It worked.I had an addition to my team. Magikarp for 500$I defeated Misty with ease. I spammed Vine Whip. I didn't have any problem until I had to face my Rival on the Nugget Bridge. Here I beat him with ease not so easy at S.S. Anne. That battle was intense. Next followed Lt. Surge. Defeated him with ease.Next Followed Erika. This time Magikarp turned into Gyarados and got a new addition. Eevee which I evolved to Jolteon and taught him Thunderbolt.Then I went straight for Koga. Defeated him, barely but managed to get TM Toxic and HM Surf. Used Toxic on Ivysaur and combined it with Leech Seed. Making full use of glitch in the game.Next of the game was fairly easy, got 2 fossil Pokemon, Lapras. It was nice. Until Elite Four. I failed many times until I beaten them.My end team consisted of Venusaur, Jolteon, Gyarados, Omastar, Lapras, Aerodactyl level of my pokemon:As of beating the game: Venusaur lvl 35, Jolteon lvl 63, Gyarados lvl 37, Omastar lvl 41, Lapras lvl 24, Aerodactyl lvl 33As of reaching Elite four: Venusaur lvl 32, Jolteon lvl 36, Gyarados lvl 30, Omastar lvl 33, Lapras lvl 24, Aerodactyl lvl 32So I gained a LOT of EXP in failing Elite four, and it took me 47 minutes on fast-forward to beat Elite four.Battles I had: 68Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDfAoeFj_qoEDIT: Added my levels via /r/pokemon http://ift.tt/2qPY6bK
"My attempt at beating Pokemon Red with fewest battles possible"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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