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"Best Movesets - Pokémon GO"

#PokemonGO: I had problems finding a table that would tell me the best moves AND the DPS difference to the next best thing. Many may disregard their Acid Arbok when they find that Bite is the best move, but maybe they wouldn't if they knew that the difference was 0.1 DPS. So I put together this. Credit to those who gathered the information.Colour coded spreadsheet can be found online here or downloaded here.All DPS include STAB where it is appropriate.#CPPokemonBest FastMove2nd FastMoveBest Charge Move2nd Charge Move3rd Charge MoveAtkDefSta32580Venusaur13.5 Vine Whip12.9 Razor Leaf30.6 Solarbeam26.4 Sludge Bomb25.5 Petal Blizzard19820016062602Charizard15.0 Wing Attack11.9 Ember30.5 Fire Blast23.3 Dragon Claw23.7 Flamethrower21218215692542Blastoise15.0 Water Gun12.0 Bite29.6 Hydro Pump17.8 Ice Beam15.4 Flash Cannon186222158121455Butterfree13.9 Bug Bite9.9 Confusion22.1 Bug Buzz19.6 Psychic18.2 Signal Beam144144120151440Beedrill14.3 Poison Jab13.9 Bug Bite26.4 Sludge Bomb20.8 X-Scissor10.3 Aerial Ace144130130182091Pidgeot15.0 Wing Attack11.3 Steel Wing31.3 Hurricane12.9 Aerial Ace11.4 Air Cutter170166166201444Raticate12.0 Bite9.4 Quick Attack30.0 Hyper Beam20.8 Hyper Fang12.1 Dig146150110221746Fearow11.3 Steel Wing10.9 Peck14.7 Drill Run12.9 Aerial Ace9.3 Twister168146130241767Arbok12.0 Bite11.9 Acid27.1 Gunk Shot25.7 Sludge Wave12.9 Dark Pulse166166120262028Raichu12.5 Spark10.4 Thunder Shock29.1 Thunder20.8 Thunder Punch18.8 Brick Break200154120281810Sandslash13.6 Mud Shot12.7 Metal Claw29.8 Earthquake12.9 Bulldoze8.8 Rock Tomb150172150312485Nidoqueen14.3 Poison Jab12.0 Bite29.8 Earthquake25.8 Stone Edge25.7 Sludge Wave184190180342475Nidoking14.3 Poison Jab7.5 Fury Cutter29.8 Earthquake25.7 Sludge Wave25.0 Megahorn204170162362398Clefable13.0 Pound11.4 Zen Headbutt25.9 Moonblast19.6 Psychic16.4 Dazzling Gleam178178190382188Ninetales11.9 Ember11.5 Feint Attack30.5 Fire Blast26.3 Heat Wave23.7 Flamethrower176194146402177Wigglytuff16.2 Pound11.5 Feint Attack30.0 Hyper Beam23.7 Play Rough16.4 Dazzling Gleam168108280421921Golbat15.0 Wing Attack12.0 Bite13.0 Poison Fang11.4 Air Cutter9.7 Ominous Wind164164150452493Vileplume12.9 Razor Leaf11.9 Acid30.6 Solarbeam26.4 Sludge Bomb20.7 Moonblast202190150471747Parasect13.9 Bug Bite9.4 Fury Cutter30.6 Solarbeam20.8 X-Scissor16.7 Cross Poison162170120491890Venomoth13.9 Bug Bite9.9 Confusion22.1 Bug Buzz19.6 Psychic13.0 Poison Fang172154140511169Dugtrio13.9 Mud Slap10.0 Sucker Punch29.8 Earthquake25.8 Stone Edge14.4 Mud Bomb70148140531632Persian15.0 Scratch11.5 Feint Attack19.0 Play Rough13.8 Power Gem11.1 Night Slash156146130552387Golduck15.0 Water Gun9.9 Confusion29.6 Hydro Pump19.6 Psychic17.8 Ice Beam194176160571865Primeape10.4 Low Kick9.4 Karate Chop37.5 Cross Chop16.7 Low Sweep11.1 Night Slash178150130592984Arcanine14.9 Fire Fang12.0 Bite30.5 Fire Blast23.7 Flamethrower10.3 Bulldoze230180180622505Poliwrath13.6 Bubble10.9 Mud Shot29.6 Hydro Pump17.9 Submission17.8 Ice Beam180202180651814Alakazam15.4 Psycho Cut12.4 Confusion24.6 Psychic14.6 Shadow Ball13.1 Dazzling Gleam186152110682594Machamp9.4 Karate Chop8.3 Bullet Punch37.5 Cross Chop25.8 Stone Edge17.9 Submission198180180712531Victreebel12.9 Razor Leaf11.9 Acid30.6 Solarbeam26.4 Sludge Bomb24.6 Leaf Blade222152160732220Tentacruel14.3 Poison Jab11.9 Acid29.6 Hydro Pump25.7 Sludge Wave25.6 Blizzard170196160762303Golem13.9 Mud Slap11.0 Rock Throw32.3 Stone Edge29.8 Earthquake12.2 Ancient Power176198160782199Rapidash11.9 Ember8.3 Low Kick30.5 Fire Blast26.3 Heat Wave14.7 Drill Run200170130802597Slowbro15.0 Water Gun12.4 Confusion24.6 Psychic17.8 Ice Beam13.3 Water Pulse184198190821880Magneton12.5 Spark10.4 Thunder Shock19.2 Flash Cannon17.5 Discharge13.4 Magnet Bomb186180100831264Farfetch'd13.3 Cut7.5 Fury Cutter19.6 Leaf Blade12.9 Aerial Ace11.4 Air Cutter138132104851836Dodrio10.9 Peck9.4 Quick Attack18.5 Drill Peck12.9 Aerial Ace12.5 Swift182150120872146Dewgong13.9 Frost Breath13.4 Ice Shard32.1 Blizzard13.3 Aqua Jet8.2 Icy Wind156192180892603Muk14.3 Poison Jab10.0 Lick26.4 Sludge Bomb14.4 Sludge12.9 Dark Pulse180188210912053Cloyster13.9 Frost Breath13.4 Ice Shard32.1 Blizzard29.6 Hydro Pump8.2 Icy Wind196196100942078Gengar14.5 Shadow Claw10.0 Sucker Punch26.4 Sludge Bomb18.3 Shadow Ball12.9 Dark Pulse20415612095857Onix11.0 Rock Throw10.9 Tackle32.3 Stone Edge19.5 Rock Slide15.0 Iron Head9018670972184Hypno14.3 Zen Headbutt12.4 Confusion24.6 Psychic18.5 Psyshock14.6 Shadow Ball162196170991823Kingler12.7 Metal Claw10.9 Mud Shot16.7 X-Scissor13.3 Water Pulse11.9 Vice Grip1781681101011646Electrode12.5 Spark10.9 Tackle25.5 Thunderbolt24.0 Hyper Beam17.5 Discharge1501741201032955Exeggutor14.3 Zen Headbutt12.4 Confusion30.6 Solarbeam24.6 Psychic16.7 Seed Bomb2321641901051657Marowak13.9 Mud Slap10.6 Rock Smash29.8 Earthquake19.5 Bone Club15.1 Dig1402021201061493Hitmonlee13.3 Rock Smash10.4 Low Kick25.8 Stone Edge23.4 Brick Break16.7 Low Sweep1481721001071517Hitmonchan13.3 Rock Smash8.3 Bullet Punch23.4 Brick Break16.7 Thunder Punch14.3 Fire Punch1382041001081627Lickitung11.4 Zen Headbutt10.0 Lick30.0 Hyper Beam25.0 Power Whip17.9 Stomp1261601801102250Weezing10.9 Tackle26.4 Sludge Bomb18.3 Shadow Ball12.9 Dark Pulse1901981301122243Rhydon13.9 Mud Slap10.6 Rock Smash32.3 Stone Edge29.8 Earthquake25.0 Megahorn166160210113675Chansey16.2 Pound11.4 Zen Headbutt30.0 Hyper Beam19.6 Psychic13.1 Dazzling Gleam40605001141740Tangela13.5 Vine Whip31.3 Power Whip30.6 Solarbeam26.4 Sludge Bomb1641521301152043Kangaskhan11.1 Mud Slap8.3 Low Kick23.8 Earthquake18.8 Brick Break17.9 Stomp1421782101171713Seadra15.0 Water Gun12.0 Dragon Breath29.6 Hydro Pump25.6 Blizzard18.1 Dragon Pulse1761501101192044Seaking11.4 Poison Jab8.7 Peck25.0 Megahorn14.7 Drill Run8.2 Icy Wind1721601601212182Starmie15.0 Water Gun10.9 Tackle29.6 Hydro Pump24.6 Psychic13.8 Power Gem1941921201221494Mr. Mime14.3 Zen Headbutt12.4 Confusion24.6 Psychic14.6 Shadow Ball13.2 Psybeam154196801232074Scyther11.3 Steel Wing7.5 Fury Cutter22.1 Bug Buzz20.8 X-Scissor11.1 Night Slash1761801401241717Jynx13.9 Frost Breath13.0 Pound18.5 Psyshock13.2 Psybeam8.9 Draining Kiss1721341301252119Electabuzz10.4 Thunder Shock8.3 Low Kick29.1 Thunder25.5 Thunderbolt20.8 Thunder Punch1981601301262265Magmar11.9 Ember7.5 Karate Chop30.5 Fire Blast23.7 Flamethrower17.9 Fire Punch2141581301272122Pinsir10.6 Rock Smash7.5 Fury Cutter20.8 X-Scissor14.3 Submission11.9 Vice Grip1841861301281845Tauros13.6 Tackle11.4 Zen Headbutt23.8 Earthquake15.0 Iron Head14.2 Horn Attack1481841501302689Gyarados12.0 Bite29.6 Hydro Pump18.1 Dragon Pulse9.3 Twister1921961901312981Lapras13.9 Frost Breath13.4 Ice Shard32.1 Blizzard22.3 Ice Beam18.1 Dragon Pulse186190260132920Ditto16.2 Pound11.1 Struggle110110961342816Vaporeon15.0 Water Gun29.6 Hydro Pump23.9 Aqua Tail13.3 Water Pulse1861682601352140Jolteon10.4 Thunder Shock29.1 Thunder25.5 Thunderbolt17.5 Discharge1921741301362643Flareon11.9 Ember30.5 Fire Blast26.3 Heat Wave23.7 Flamethrower2381781301371692Porygon13.6 Tackle11.4 Zen Headbutt14.5 Signal Beam14.0 Discharge10.5 Psybeam1561581301392234Omastar15.0 Water Gun10.9 Mud Shot29.6 Hydro Pump19.5 Rock Slide12.2 Ancient Power1802021401412130Kabutops10.9 Mud Shot7.5 Fury Cutter32.3 Stone Edge13.3 Water Pulse12.2 Ancient Power1901901201422165Aerodactyl12.0 Bite11.3 Steel Wing24.0 Hyper Beam15.0 Iron Head12.2 Ancient Power1821621601433113Snorlax11.4 Zen Headbutt10.0 Lick32.1 Body Slam30.0 Hyper Beam23.8 Earthquake1801803201493500Dragonite15.0 Dragon Breath11.3 Steel Wing29.2 Dragon Claw24.0 Hyper Beam22.6 Dragon Pulse250212182 via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Best Movesets - Pokémon GO" "Best Movesets - Pokémon GO" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:55 Rating: 5

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