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"Don't be a dipshit. You're playing a game in the real world and the real world has consequences. (Story)"

#PokemonGO: Final edit: To get some of you off my back heres pics of the bike, I'm not posting personal info or the police report. Not starting a witchhunt. So stop asking. .Added my 10k egg from then to lighten things up.Moved rest of edits to the bottom. Read there for updates.So for background I'm 25, work 2nd shift, and come home (as a machinist) covered in oil/metal/coolant/etc.There is a popular spot with 6 pokestops all around a small yard in front of Town hall/post office/memorials/town pool. So its a nice spot to walk around and hit all 6 pokestops for a half hour or so.I get out of work 1130, I get there about 1145 and I stay until 1215 a few days a week. Most of the time there's 5-10 other people there minding their own business and sometimes make small talk.Last night I go there as usual and do my thing before I go home and do my nightly ritual. There's a group of super fucking obnoxious highschool kids just generally being the worst part of everyone's day. They harassed a man in his 40s walking his dog, a girl in her 20s with her friend had to walk to the other side of the street because they were physically touching them, and eventually they came to me.I'm covered in grime, tired, and took my motorcycle from my house up to this little park for pokemon and a little ride-time. One of the kids makes a comment about me looking dirty and asks if I'm homeless and I just explain I got off work. Kids laughs and rolls his eyes, whatever I don't care I'm just off work and they're the smallest part of my day. Now when they throw a rock at me and scratch the visor on my helmet, I go over and politely inform them to fuck off or they're going to have a problem. I ask who did it and if they have the balls to admit it. Of course not. I tell them off, go back to my bench and resume my last 10m on my incense.Now here's the part where they fuck up bad.One of the little shits walks by me and gives me a smirk, I stare him down until he turns his head and passes by, basically telling him to fuck off I'm not in the mood.The little dipshit calls out to me as he's next to my motorcycle, 3000$ and just bought 2 weeks prior.The dumb fuck kicks it over.Now at this point I put my phone into my pocket and calmly walk over, about to make sure he doesnt leave before I call the cops. The kid hits me in the chest and goes "Do something bitch" and to make a long story short the cops were there 10m later after the aforementioned guy walking his dog + the two girls pried me off the kid, who now has a broken nose and 2 black eyes.Before you white knights jump on me, he had ample warning not to mess with me and until he put his hands on me I was merely going to keep him there until the cops arrived. If he hadn't touched me he would have only had to deal with the police and his parents.The point of the story is this.THIS IS THE REAL WORLD. YOU ARE NOT ON THE INTERNET WHERE YOU CAN MESS WITH PEOPLE WITH NO CONSEQUENCE.I am off with no consequences with 6 people witnessing them antagonizing me far past the point necessary, 2 girls talking to the officers get dipshit and his friends in line for a sexual harassment lawsuit, while dipshit spent the night in jail, and will be paying for brand new side panels on my bike. Oh and the nice assault charge that's going to ruin his life. Thank god for security cameras.It could have gone much worse for little dipshit. It could have been in a much worse neighborhood where he pushed someone too far and gotten stabbed and left for dead.Don't be this kid. He had his ass beat, spent the night in jail, and is getting sued by 3 different people basically for trying to act tough in front of his friends.Don't harass people, don't mess with their stuff, keep your hands off the ladies, and don't be a dipshit.Edit: Phrasing and removing some specifics to not draw attention to the kid/place it happened.Edit2: If someone touches you or harasses you in a public place, call the cops. People have PM'd me asking things and this is the advice I have. You don't need to get in a fight. Stay in public places at night and make sure there's someone within earshot if you need help. Most people who play are good honest people who will help you if you need it. The police are there to help, harassment is serious. Anyone touches you, defend yourself and get out of the situation.Edit3: From the police call this morning him and a couple others are being charged with assault (throwing rocks at people), sexual assault/harrasment (groping the girls, they both are charging apparently), and they asked if I wanted to charge for battery since the kid hit me and it was on security camera for the building. I'm not pressing charges but filled out forms for "destruction of property." His parents are most likely going to have to replace the plastics/1 handlebar on my bike.Edit4: Thank you all for your kind words, especially the PM's. I'm a really introverted guy and this has really been bothering me until I put the story up here. Thank you all for being so supportive. It means a lot.Edit5/6: Thanks for the (2x) gold kind stranger(s). I appreciate it, but please consider giving to others who could use it more. via /r/pokemongo
"Don't be a dipshit. You're playing a game in the real world and the real world has consequences. (Story)" "Don't be a dipshit. You're playing a game in the real world and the real world has consequences. (Story)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 15:10 Rating: 5

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