"Nest FAQ: What is a Habitat, a Spawn, and a Nest?"
#PokemonGO: What is a habitat? What is a spawn? What is a nest?The following is a general interpretation of the mechanics commonly known as habitats, spawns, and nests. The purpose of the following is to first establish a definition of common words used to describe mechanics in the game, then explain the mechanics so we can finally discuss such matters properly. Totally agree, there's still confusion on some specifics simply because there's still mystery to the game. This is good thing! If this stuff was easy to understand, many of us would have stopped playing in a while ago.Ultimately, I believe most of us will agree on most of this. Many of us frequent nest after nest. We have seen the following first hand dozens of times, but not necessarily written up anything about it. What is a habitat?A habitat is a large area where a Pokémon species is seen. A typical habitat can be as large as a few neighborhoods. Parks/beach areas within a habitat are part of that habitat. Some habitats are as small as a beachfront, man-made city stream, or lake. A city can have multiple habitats; this varies based on the size of the cities and habitat. A habitat can span through city boarders. It's also possible that habitats overlap one another or that two neighboring habitats have some Pokémon in common.What is a spawn?A spawn is an exact location where a Pokémon native to the location's habitat can spawn. Spawns pop in a timely manner. Spawns are throughout, including within nests. It has been noted that certain areas have large amounts of spawns compared to other areas. We see large cities and beach areas have many spawns, while rural areas or neighborhoods have less. Even then, a typical looking neighborhood may have more spawns than those surround it. Again, spawns are throughout, but are not evenly disbursed.What is a nest?A nest is a small area where a particular Pokémon is very common. Usually, this small area is a park (usually the green outline seen in-game). Rarely, a nest is not a park and may be outlined with streets (as seen in-game). A nest spills out of its outlining boarder at times. Within a nest, regular spawns are also present. The nest Pokémon will have their own spawn points within their nest; not sharing one with the native Pokémon of the habitat. Nest Spawns, unlike regular spawns, are not in an exact location. Their location varies slightly each time it pops, but is in the same general spot if it's active. Nest Spawns, also unlike regular spawns, do not spawn at a timely manner. At times, they go dormant for dozens of minutes to hours. At times, all nest spawns within a single nest go dormant leading to a "dead spawn" and trainer panic.Nests are not created equally. Small nests have very few nest spawns, while larger nests have upwards of a dozen plus. Combine that with the fact that nest spawns go dormant, and you get a lot of confusion. FAQ:Do Incense and Lures within a nest attract more nest Pokémon?No. Incense and lures attract Pokémon from the habitat, not the nest. Usually a nest Pokémon is not native to the habitat (ya, its confusing).Is there a nest for every Pokémon besides the rares?No, we believe. Nests (like habitats and spawns) are not evenly distributed. Some regions of the US have X Pokémon nests, but other regions do not have nest of that Pokémon. Even then, seems like Niantic is keeping some species out of the nest rotations.You sure "The Beach" is not a Lapras nest? I have caught 10 Laprases in the same general area.Yes, based on how we define nests and spawns. A nest has to have a certain level of activity for it to be considered a nest. "The Beach" sometimes has no Lapras for over half a day. As explained when defining nests and spawns, they are closely related and may be related in a way we do not understand yet, but we have to draw a line a say, "This is the definition of a nest. If it doesn't meet this definition, then it is not a nest. Our definition system seems to be working for now."How do you know so much? Sounds like you are just making stuff up by making pretty general statements and do not know how this stuff really works? You RP as Professor Oak?I literally study Nests for days on end; probably caught more nest Pokémon than most players have caught regular Pokémon. This is the closest we can get to defining nests and spawns and it's working in Orange County, CA. Not knowing exactly how it all works is part of the fun; the mystery is thrilling.Search my past comments and posts. Proof is all there. I update my local Nest Megathread, with the help of my region's subreddit.Do nests hibernate based on the time of the day?IDK. Don't think so, but there's conflicting claims.Do Nest Pokémon usually have lower IVs?Yes...(more info to come) via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2bfR97A
"Nest FAQ: What is a Habitat, a Spawn, and a Nest?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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