"The Appraisal update has improved my Pokémon go experience, has it improved yours?"
#PokemonGO: Hi there;Now, I don't want to be too over-enthusiastic; this is just one update, one feature which you might even suggest is overdue, seeing as it's been implemented in main series games for a few generations now; the game is still buggy in places, crashing for me when I start it up at times, or when I enter a gym, and it seems to be really heating up my phone and draining the battery hard since the update as well. Finally, unless an exact IV reader is ever implemented (unlikely), then the IV calculators our fine, gifted community members created to help us determine our strongest and weakest Pokémon will still have their place and their use, and their enhancement of my enjoyment of this game, and their usefulness and user-friendliness, will never be forgotten or ignored.However, I must say that the ability to appraise your Pokémon makes management of my roster so much easier and quicker, in a way that's fun and engages us more with the team we've chosen as well, by giving us regular contact with our team leader. It also gives us a definitive description of at least the ballpark range of a Pokémon's IVs, which we know must be accurate because it's the game itself that's telling us - not slamming the calculators here, they're clearly accurate too, but a consensus from several informed sources, including the original source if you will, is better then just an external source.this will save me a lot of stardust which I have until now and would have used powering up Pokémon which may have had high IVs; now I can just appraise them and Spark will tell me whether it's in the upper echelons of statistical potential or not, and if it is, then I can go to Poke Assistant and the Silph Road and get more exact figures, with the knowledge of what range the IVs are in :) and I will keep using the calculators - other calculators are available, such as Pokémon.gameinfo - to get exact or close to exact figures for really good Pokémon I've identified, but being able to appraise them just saves me so much time by allowing me to see the ballpark range immediately straight from the horse's mouth.Additionally, this really seems like an update which responds to the player base's playing habits and wants, a tool for us to read something we had no indication was even in the game until the technical dataminers among us discovered it, and something which ultimately makes our lives as Pokémon Go trainers easier, and makes us more informed.It even helped me confirm that this Caterpie is in fact a 0 IV Caterpie :) - http://ift.tt/2bOMNFq'm personally very impressed by and thankful for this update, and, cautiously, I think Niantic's heading in the right direction with this game now, after the last update before it (the caution comes from the move rejig that happened between these updates, which was a little 'Old Niantic').Thoughts? how have you found this update, and the appraisal system? via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2c7mXkx
"The Appraisal update has improved my Pokémon go experience, has it improved yours?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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