"Some observations and tactics change with the new training"
#PokemonGO: So with the new training I would like to share some obervations and personal changes I have made. Also your opinions and advice is always welcome.Before the change I used to look for a pokemon around half CP of the lowest defender and train repeatedly. Like we all did.Now i tend to stick to narrow CP range for all 6 pokemon I train with. To clarify: if i want to use a certain pokemon to train and it has 1200 CP, all others I choose will be between 1100 and 1250 CP. The reasoning behind this is: prestige is calculated using the HIGHEST CP, so taking much lower CP pokemon makes no sense.Because I have some good training pokemon in the 1500 CP range, those are the once I end up using all the time. Although I don't get 1000 prestige per win, getting around 750 and being safe enough to take on the nr 7 Pokemon in the gym is worth it in my opinion. In the end I usually end up with around 4500 prestige per run. Enough to level up any gym in 2 trainings.This changed my powering up tactics: At the moment I have enough (18+) defenders with good CP (enough to be placed 2nd or 3rd in a gym). Therefore I power up training and attacking pokemon mainly. Because of the new training system I try to get a good collection of training Pokemon all at 1500 CP so I can train gyms by choosing counters from a narrow CP range.In the last days I used most of my leftover dust to create a good squad at 1500 CP. At the moment I have 10 Pokemon between 1499 and 1510 with good movesets to take on the gyms. Working on more but I am out of dust at the moment :)Please contribute tips or improvements to my system, or maybe point out flaws if there are any I have missed. Looking forward to your replies! via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2eBobW6
"Some observations and tactics change with the new training"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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