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"[Complaint] It only took me 23 balls to catch a 48 CP Jigglypuff that attacked/jumped 19 times in a row."

#PokemonGO: So after consecutively waiting 19 years each for several prior 'mons to injest their cocaine before they spaz out for the next couple millenia, I decided that I'm gonna not wait this time and am just gonna throw my balls immediately at this here pink balloon.This means, while not optimal, as it ends its attack/jump, I start my throw.Immediately, it jumps. Then, it jumps. Then it attacks. Then it jumps again. Then it attacks. Alright, at this point: What are the chances? Really? After so many attacks/jumps, that it does so again? Another ball. And it attacks. Another ball. It jumps. Another ball. It jumps yet again.Okay no but seriously. What are the chances? After all this time? Yet again? And again? And again? There's no way, I think to myself, and continue, not knowing I'll ultimately burn 30 minutes worth of farming stops amongst unbearably loud crickets and hellish christmas music.  4 times it popped out immediately.3 times the ball barely missed by hitting its feet because I misjudged its distance by a billionth of a cm.And 16 times they were evaded/knocked away.For a 48 CP Jigglypuff.   Another small handful of experiences that tell us it needs to be possible to make it so if certain people design a game that they should receive life in prison:- 220ish Vulpix. Ultra ball. Berry. Two balls slip randomly for no real reason. Nice throw, curveball. Immediately pops out and runs.- 105 Ekans. Every single throw is a great throw curveball with regular balls. Pops out immediately. Then again. And again. And again. And yet again. And a 6th time. Then flees.- Can't pan camera. Restart app. Nothing displays. Restart app. Nothing displays. Restart app. Nothing displays. Restart app. Can't interact with stops/gyms. Restart app. Nothing displays. Restart app. Nothing displays. Restart app. I mean this will complete sincerity, honesty, and seriousness: If you play this game intentionally, there is a very good chance you have major psychological issues. Please seek professional help immediately. via /r/pokemongo
"[Complaint] It only took me 23 balls to catch a 48 CP Jigglypuff that attacked/jumped 19 times in a row." "[Complaint] It only took me 23 balls to catch a 48 CP Jigglypuff that attacked/jumped 19 times in a row." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:12 Rating: 5

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