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"[Discussion] If Pokéballs weren't so ridiculously overpriced, I would acutally buy some."

#PokemonGO: I used to have my whole inventory filled with Pokéballs. But since spinning stops at higher speeds is impossible now, my options to get new balls have slimmed down. With winter coming and temperatures dropping, I find myself with no Pokéballs and hardy any motivation to play the game anymore. Don't misunderstand me. The game is still a lot of fun for me as it fits into my daily schedule very well. But when you get to a point where you have to run past 95% of all Pokémon you see because you want to save the last 5 balls you have for something rare, you lose motivation to play.I know that Niantic wants people to spend money on the game. I'm fine with that. But c'mon, 1€ for just 20 Pokéballs? Thats ridiculous compared to the price of an Inscence or a Lucky Egg. Both are not only cheaper, but also unattainable through normal Gameplay (except leveling up). Just think about how far you get with only 20 Pokéballs. I feel for most people that's just not worth it.However, if Pokéballs were a little more reasonably priced, say 1€ for 50 Balls, I think more people would be inclined to pay that price and keep playing the game. What is your opinion on this? Have you ever bought Pokéballs from the Shop?TL;DR: Pokéballs are overpriced. Niantic should make them cheaper so that players are more inclined to buy them and acutally keep playing the game. via /r/pokemongo
"[Discussion] If Pokéballs weren't so ridiculously overpriced, I would acutally buy some." "[Discussion] If Pokéballs weren't so ridiculously overpriced, I would acutally buy some." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:07 Rating: 5

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