"[Discussion] Weird movesets are ruining the battle system and diversity in Gyms"

#PokemonGO: Hello Travelers,Yesterday I was doing my second Lucky Egg massive Pidgey/Rattata/Weedle evolution and decided to evolve some new Pokemon to get quadrupled new specie bonus as well. For some of them I had 150+ candies, for others only 50+ candies, but I didn't care much for moves this time. Here are the results:Clefable:http://ift.tt/2gjmzwU I evolved all Pidgey, I thought I could evolve two Eevee with <80% IV but high CP (600+ and 700+) since I have 300+ candy. Here are the results:http://ift.tt/2fEFST3 this made me to think... As you see, I had to use only 50 Eevee candies in total to get totally viable Pokemon, which will be useful against many Gyms. No effort, no walking with buddy. Meanwhile I had to use 50 of each less common specie candy to get... well, let's gently say, NOT SO useful Pokemon.The problem in my opinion is questionable moves distribution. Yes, I am aware that "defending movesets" exist, but do they make sense most of the time?Let's look at my Primeape. It has Dark charge move so it should be surprise for some Psychic type attacker which would be obvious choice against Fighting defender, right?Wrong. First of all, with its HP Primeape will probably faint before it will be even able to use charge move. Second, the attacker didn't use Alakazam, because he worked hard to get 125 candies and probably got Dazzling Gleam/Shadow Ball, so it is left untouched in storage, while Vaporeon does the job.Check the Seaking now. Mine has Icy Wind, but Drill Run is possible option too. Great moves to counter Grass and Electric opponents right?Wrong again. No STAB, no status effects, no chance of survival against Thunder or Solar Beam for long.All that "Super Effective Counter Moves" system looks good on paper, but in reality it just makes a lot of Pokemon unusable. Compare Seaking to Tentacruel - both get Ice type charge move, but first has Icy Wind, while second gets Blizzard - awesome as well for attacking. What's the point?Also, let's consider the probability difference - Vaporeon has only 1/3 chance to get "kinda bad" moveset (which is still better than best movesets of some other species) while Pidgeot has only 1/6 chance to get the only one usable moveset. Some of Pokemon just aren't worth the effort because of bad design.Latest CP buff was great (nerf questionable a little), but higher CP won't save Pokemon with terrible movesets options. My Golem is awesome, 1666CP without any Stardust, 100% IV, but I never used it, because it got Ancient Power.What could save those poor bastards and let them shine in Gyms? I think we have 2 options:A. Movesets tweak.Enought of those <50 charge moves with 4-5 bars. There should never be feeling of failure after evolving your favourite Pokemon. "It's kinda good for defending" shouldn't be the only cheer up for its trainer. If you give Water Pokemon Ground type move for countering attackers, let it be something with real damage, not 25 joke.B. TM system.I know many players get triggered just by seeing word "TM" in Pokemon GO thread. Many of those who got lucky advice others to "keep calm and grind candies" for next evolution. The problem is why should I grind 125 candies for another Machamp (to not mention finding another good IV Machop), if Vaporeon can beat Snorlax faster? (And don't get me wrong - I don't want any nerf for Vaporeon, I just want others to be as good). I'm sure Niantic could prevent TM abuse. TMs could teach new not previously distributed moves, let weaker Pokemon (so called to be predestined for defenders) be good attackers. They could drop from Gym Battles, after prestiging or attacking Gym, they could be limited for one drop per day, could be unusable by some OP species etc.Just imagine, you want Raticate with Fire Blast? Kingler with Blizzard? Fearow with Hurricane? Why not?? Diversity would be great, and I know hardcore players would quickly find best options with highest damage etc, but I don't care - I just wish every Pokemon would have its purpose and be usable. I don't want RNG to be the only factor deciding if one's monthly effort is rewarded or goes to waste.Thanks for reading and I'm curious about your thoughts. What is your favourite Pokemon which became hard to use because of bad design?TL;DR: CP got adjusted, now we need some tweak for movesets to make more cool Pokemon viable. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2guS6ex
"[Discussion] Weird movesets are ruining the battle system and diversity in Gyms"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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