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"Eevee's Placement in 5k Eggs Is Proof that We are Being Heard"

#PokemonGO: All previous updates, like the buddy system, catch bonuses, and the Halloween event were all made up by Niantic. Sure, maybe 1 or 2 clairvoyant redditors may have asked for them, but for the most part they were Niantic adding things they wanted to add, not things that we wanted them to add.The new egg colors were a step in the right direction. It was something that bothered us and it was changed. Even this, however, just made sense and could have been something they realized on their own.With the Eevee change, however, I believe there comes proof that Niantic is actually listening to what we are saying. There was no reason to make the change other than the fact that so many players were getting upset. After all, Eevee was in the correct category based on number of steps in the original games. The only possible reason for the change is that Niantic was thinking about the playerbase and what they wanted (also maybe they wanted us to buy more incubators).This is good new for more than just the fact that Eevees are now in 5ks. More importantly, it shows that if enough people have a problem with something, and it makes sense for Niantic to do, there is a chance that they will do it.Therefore, if we have a change that we think is a good idea that isn't too big to be unfeasible, we have to voice our opinion so that Niantic knows, because we finally have reason to believe that when we ask them for change, Niantic might actually listen. via /r/pokemongo
"Eevee's Placement in 5k Eggs Is Proof that We are Being Heard" "Eevee's Placement in 5k Eggs Is Proof that We are Being Heard" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:54 Rating: 5

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