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"Interesting theory regarding the starters of generations 6, 7, and 8"

This is sort of a baseless theory, but here it is. For the final evolutions of the starters in gen 6, we had the bulky Chesnaught, the feminine/majestic Delphox, and the rogue/stealthy Greninja.Obviously, these could be viewed as the 3 classic roles of an RPG, but I'm thinking there may be another trend here as well that involves the starters of generations 7 and 8. For the final evolutions of the starters in gen 7, we have the bulky Incineroar, the feminine/majestic Primarina, and the rogue/stealth Decidueye.Given this, I predict that the final evolutions of the gen 8 starters will be a bulky water type, a feminine/majestic grass type, and a rogue/stealthy fire type.The order would go: Bulky: grass to fire to water Feminine/majestic: fire to water to grass Rogue/stealthy: water to grass to fireThoughts? via /r/pokemon
"Interesting theory regarding the starters of generations 6, 7, and 8" "Interesting theory regarding the starters of generations 6, 7, and 8" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:01 Rating: 5

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