"Quantitative gym defender rankings (including type) V3.0"
#PokemonGO: IntroductionPlease read through the FAQ at the end, I have addressed questions I have had from previous versionsThere are many gym defender rankings, but very few take type into account, which makes the rankings misleading overemphasising stats above other factors. These gym defender rankings are based on simulations of defender pokemon against attackers weighted by the most likely common attackers. These attackers are determined, in part, by community surveys on silph road and other places. More information below the results. Please note these results are not arbitrary or based on my subjective viewpoint, but are based on actual simulations of gym battles.ResultsPositionPokemonDefender Quotient1Snorlax (ZH/HB)35.82Lapras (IS/B)33.03Snorlax (ZH/E)32.34Lapras (IS/DP)31.05Snorlax (ZH/BS)30.86Lapras (IS/IB)30.07Lapras (FB/B)27.88Snorlax (L/HB)25.59Lapras (FB/IB)25.210Lapras (FB/DP)24.311Hypno (C/P)24.112Hypno (ZH/P)23.013Hynpo (C/Psyshock)22.814Hypno (C/SB)21.915Slowbro (C/IB)21.416Slowbro (C/P)21.317Hypno (ZH/Psyshock)21.118Snorlax (L/BS)21.019Snorlax (L/E)20.720Vaporeon (WG/HP)20.421Hypno (ZH/SB)19.722Muk (PJ/GS)19.423Muk (PJ/SW)19.224Poliwrath (B/HP)18.925Vaporeon (WG/AT)18.226Poliwrath (B/S)18.227Poliwrath (B/IB)17.828Exeggutor (C/SB)17.429Slowbro (C/WP)17.130Dewgong (IS/B)17.131Dragonite (SW/HB)16.932Exeggutor (ZH/SB)16.533Dragonite (SW/DP)16.434Dragonite (SW/DC)16.435Tentacruel (PJ/HP)16.436Exeggutor (C/P)16.337Tentacruel (PJ/HP)16.238Exeggutor (C/SB)16.239Muk (PJ/DP)16.040Vaporeon (WG/WP)15.941Exeggutor (ZH/P)15.942Tentacruel (PJ/SW)15.243Tentacruel (A/B)14.944Exeggutor (ZH/SB)14.945Clefable (ZH/MB)14.946Tentacruel (A/HP)14.647Slowbro (WG/P)13.948Slowbro (WG/IB)13.949Machamp (BP/SE)13.750Tentacruel (A/SW)13.4PositionTop PokémonBest attackDefender Quotient1SnorlaxZen head-butt/ Hyper beam35.82LaprasIce shard/ Blizzard33.03HypnoConfusion/ Psychic24.14SlowbroConfusion/ Ice beam21.45VaporeonWater gun/ Hydro pump20.46MukPoison Jab/ Gunk shot19.47PoliwrathBubble/ Hydro pump18.98ExeggutorConfusion/ Solar beam17.49DewgongIce shard/ Blizzard17.410DragoniteSteel wing/ Hyper beam16.911TentacruelPoison Jab/ Hydro pump16.912ClefableZen headbutt/ Moonblast14.913MachampBullet punch/ Cross chop13.314GyaradosBite/ Hydropump13.015VenusaurRazor leaf/ Sludge bomb12.916WigglytuffFeint Attack/ Hyperbeam12.417NidoqueenPosion Jab/ Earthquake12.018GolduckConfusion/ Hydro pump11.919BlastoiseBite/ Icebeam11.520VileplumeRazor leaf/ Solar beam10.9Updates since V2.1Move sets now fully incorporated, attacking Pokémon are now weighted both by species and move set. All defending moves now also have their own ranking rather than just the optimal move set.MethodologySimulations were carried out between defenders and attackers of the same level using /u/Homu 's engine. The simulator was modded to churn out statistics based on both attacker HP wasted, and time wasted which the rankings are based on. Attackers are weighted according to likelihood they will be used, keep in mind attackers will tend to exploit defender weaknesses. Dragonite's resistance to grass is irrelevant if it never faces grass Pokémon. The meta is largely dictated by both Vaporeon and Dragonite attackers which players default to if there is no obvious weakness that can be exploited. The weightings were based on community surveys of attacker prevalence vs different types from silph road /r/pokemongo and twitter.Frequently asked questions1) Why is Pokémon X so high/ so low?People are used to seeing rankings that only take stats and moveset into account but not type. These rankings are somewhat unique in that they weight attackers according to the likelihood they will be used. For example Vaporeon weights heavily against Arcanine, Jolteon weights heavily against Gyarados e.c.t. If a Pokémon seems unusually high in the rankings it is probably because it has an elite typing that cannot easily be exploited by anything such as Normal, Water/Ice or Psychic. Likewise if it is lower in the rankings than expected it has an easily exploited weakness such as Dragonite being double weak to ice.2) But Hypno?!:I was surprised to see hypno consistently doing well in my rankings too. The reason is largely due to its elite type. Psychic has no hard counter, so players are usually forced to default to high CP neutral attackers (namely vaporeon or dragonite). Hypno also has excellent move sets all with STAB. Finally there is the 'bait' factor. Hypno has a weakness to bug types which means some players do indeed choose to use Bug types such as Parasect of Pinsir against Hypno. The bug type is so weak that this weakness is actually a strength; Hypno destroys the low statted bug types like they are nothing. The fact that it baits people into using them though also pushes Hypno slightly higher up the rankings. Lapras does something similar to a lesser extent by baiting a few people to bring out electric types.3) But dragonite?!Dragonite has a double weakness to ice, ice types are readily available and Lapras is a monster when used. Furthermore even if a player lives in an area without ice types they can default to Dragonite which actually performs quite well. Dragonite's elite stats cannot compensate for its crippling type with one of the most easily exploitable weaknesses in the game (except perhaps the fire types).4) Where is Arcanine?In the full rankings where move set Pokémon are included, FF/FB Arcanine is a pathetic 97th place while B/B without STAB is 168th! There is no place in the game for a Pokémon that can't deal with Vaporeon and these rankings reflect that.5) Do these rankings take CP into account?They do take stats into account.6) This is pointless, I can't get my low CP tentacruel into a gym even if it is okay at defending. What about power creep?I fully acknowledge this. These rankings represent the difficulty of a Pokémon to take down (in terms of time and damage incurred) to an opponent, they do not take into account power creep whereby anything but bottom place is impossible if CP is not high enough. People know the CP order though, these rankings still may provide interest but ofc in an area with low gym turnover they will be useless in practicality.Future developmentsI am far from finished, I would like to continue to improve these rankings by incrementally complicating the model. I would like to ask what should I tackle next?Improve attack weightingsIncorporate dodging more fullyIncorporate hard to dodge moves like Bubble as rightfully trickier opponentsAny other suggestions are always appreciated. I've taken feedback into account when improving these rankings. I always appreciate feedback.Thank you via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2glqdK8
"Quantitative gym defender rankings (including type) V3.0"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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