"[Spoiler] Is Splash the best move to Z-move?!"

I don't know whether this is true or not, but, should Splash be used as the Z-Move companion, it apparently raises the Attack stage by a whopping 3 levels! That's nuts! While this does mean you lose your Z-move for the game on a boosting move, you have to dedicate a slot to Splash, but the risks are certainly worth the rewards.There aren't too many notable Pokemon that can potentially abuse this, however, I think there are few who might:Lopunny: Loppunny is the second-fastest of the non-legendary Splash users, however, this does mean you give up Mega-Lopunny since the Z-Crystal and the Mega Stone are incompatible with each other. Still, this does give regular Lopunny its own chance to shine, and it does free up your Mega slot for something else.Jumpluff: Jumpluff is the fastest of the non-Legendary Splash users, beating out Lopunny by 3 points of base speed. (110 vs 107) However, Lopunny has 21 more points of Attack to work with. Jumpluff also can't be blocked by Screens or subs thanks to Infiltrator. Shame Z-Crystals aren't considered consumed after use because, man, Acrobatics would hurt...Poliwrath: While a bit on the slower side at base 70, Poliwrath does have access to Swift Swim, doubling its Speed while in Rain. With Pelliper being a solid new Rain setter thanks to its new Drizzle ability, Rain teams do have some new viability. With the proper support, Poliwrath can seriously do some damage with Z-Splash. Poliwrath also happens to be tied as the second third-highest base Attack stat among non-Legendary Splash users.Kingdra: This is the one Poliwrath is tied with. Kingdra sits in a similar boat as Poliwrath, so I guess it comes down to preference and what's needed for your team. Poliwrath has a better physical movepool with Waterfall, Drain Punch, and Ice Punch, while Kingdra only really has Waterfall and Outrage. Outrage can really leave you a sitting duck on top of really smacking yourself in confusion. You could switch out to remove confusion, but you also lose the Z-boost and you can't get it back. Still, Kingdra may outspeed a few things without rain, which is a point in its favor.Gyarados: Here is the guy who has the highest attack out of all Splash users. The original big-daddy Splasher, Gyarados is the monster its always been, now with 3 levels in attack. This does come at the cost of your Z-move and Dragon Dance (and Mega), so think very carefully about this.Azumaril: Oh, you like that Huge Power? HAVE THIS ON TOP OF IT. Azumaril seems to be a great target for not just this Z move, but also a Z-move'd Belly Drum since it restores the user's HP to full, then executes the attack. So, Azumarill can Belly Drum whenever it feels like it. Be careful, though, as Priority took a hit this generation. Aqua Jet can still hurt if you take away the counters!Clawitzer: Speaking of Aqua Jet, Clawitzer might also be able to abuse Z-Splash Aqua Jet, though not to the same rate that Azumaril can. However, Clawitzer can also punch holes in Physically Defensive Walls as well with its extremely good 120 Base Sp.Atk and Mega Launcher ability giving Water Pulse, Dark Pulse, and Focus Blast damage boosts as well. Oh, did I forget to mention Crab Hammer?Solgaleo/Lunalaa: Notice how I mentioned "Non-Legendary" before? Weeeell, if Solgaleo and Lunalaa keep Splash from Cosmog... (And you thought Geomancy Xerneas was terrifying)Politoed: I'm not too certain about Politoed's viability with this, buuuuut, it can bring its own Rain thanks to Drizzle, and while its Base Attack is only 75, +3 Attack + Rain-boosted and STAB Waterfalls... Well, that's going to hurt anything that doesn't resist it, and probably even a few things that do.EDIT:Mimikyu: OOOOH, BOY. Thanks to Mimikyu's Disguise, as long as its intact, you are completely safe while you get to +3 in one turn. On top of that, Mimikyu has base 90 Atk and base 96 Spd. That's pretty solid overall when compared to the other possibilities. And, it also has Shadow Sneak for those things that are faster than you (assuming Tsareena, Bruxish, or Psychic Terrain aren't out) and Wood Hammer for extra coverage.Tsareena: Speaking of Tsareena, (who is the one who actually has the second-highest Attack out of those with Splash), guess who else can get Splash? Well, like I said above, Tsareena can block Priority moves, so you don't have to worry about enemies trying to pick you off during your attempt at a sweep. However, Tsareena is fairly slow at only base 70 Speed as well as a fairly shallow physical movepool (only Trop Kick and High-Jump Kick are noteworthy) meaning you'll have to rely on filler or go with Rapid Spin for Hazard control. Tsareena can hit hard, but she'll probably need some support to really and truly shine.EDIT2: People have been wanting to know my source. It's here. (Thankfully someone posted one that's actually usable) via /r/pokemon http://ift.tt/2fDEnms
"[Spoiler] Is Splash the best move to Z-move?!"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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