"The Real Effect Gen 1 Legendaries will have on the game"

#PokemonGO: Often I see posts on facebook about how people think legendaries will throw gym balance out the window and only the prestige few who can attend the events will rule over gyms. My aim here to dispel any fears regarding that (outside of Mewtwo) and lay down the solid facts on how legendries will (most likely) affect the game.Disclaimer: I'm not wise to any damage calculators so I don't have precise numbers to back up my claims, just educated observations related to their typing, stats, and move sets.ZapdosInstinct's mascot is the only one of the three birds that I feel will make any splash on the current meta-game. Electric typing is pretty neutral overall, both defensively and offensively, but it's Flying typing actually helps Zapdos more than it hinders it, unlike most Flying types in Pokémon Go.Zapdos will still be vulnerable to Rhydon and Golem on defense, but that's about it. On offense, only the former mentioned Pokémon will offer you shelter from the storm. Given that very few Pokémon can boast being able to resist and hit Zapdos super effectively, along with 3,330 max CP, Zapdos will be around. However, despite the defensive synergy, Electric and Flying typing are both pretty poor. Rhydon and Golem will hard counter it, but Snorlax, Lapras, Exeggutor, and Dragonite won't care about it too much. It'll rank as high as Vaporeon at best.Over all: Good but not game changing.Articuno & MoltresI'm rating Mystic and Valor's mascots together, not because of the ship, but because they're both terrible for the same reasons; both Pokémon have god awful defensive typing and don't bring much to the table offensively.Despite both being stat monsters, both are vulnerable to Vaporeon and that's basically lights out for anything in Pokémon Go. And like most things Vaporeon weak, Vaporeon isn't their only problem. Both are double weak to rock, weak to electric, and struggle against Lapras. Sure, they'll have their niche uses as attackers against grass types, but we already have a wide host of pokemon who already fill their offensive roles as well if not better.Overall: Poor. If bird events end up only giving participants the Pokemon from their team, Valor and Mystic might want to save themselves a trip.MewMew is an odd one. Psychic typing is a huge boon in gen 1 and 3090 max CP is nothing to scoff at, but Pound + Non-Stab Single Bar Charge Move, fantastic. If/when Mew is released, it will end up in gyms for sure, but if it doesn't have Psychic as a charge move it will fail to have any impact. I'm sure Mew will tier, but not extremely well.Overall: Eh. Ok. Nothing game changing.MewtwoNow I saved the best for last. Mewtwo will absolutely trash everything we know about balance. If/when Mewtwo is released, and if it can be powered up to near Max CP, it will dominate literally everything by a margin so wide that we'll be praying for Gen 2 and Tyranitar before long, like it will even matter.This thing is not only Psychic (the best type to ever be in Pokémon Go Gen 1), not only has a CP cap of 4760 (roughly 1200 more than Dragonite), but also has the best offensive quick move for Psychic types and the best defensive quick move for Psychic types. Sure Shadow Ball and Hyper Beam aren't exactly ideal charge moves, but if you get a Mewtwo it will be game breaking and if you get a Mewtwo with Psychic as a charge move it will be that much more game breaking.Overall: GOD TIER. I almost don't want Mewtwo to be released it's so insanely powerful.ConclusionSo there you have it. Zapdos will be a neutral existence, Moltres & Articuno won't matter, Mew might end up being worse than Hypno, and Mewtwo will WRECK EVERYTHING. I hope this post settles any debates about how the birds will ruin the meta-game and make people slightly grateful Mewtwo has yet to grace it.inb4 someone schools me on Mew's damage output via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2g5oapO
"The Real Effect Gen 1 Legendaries will have on the game"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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