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"My brother-in-law got me these for Christmas. I don't think they are licensed." "My brother-in-law got me these for Christmas. I don't think they are licensed." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:46 Rating: 5
"Wartortle, Ivysaur are excellent for prestiging. CP efficiency by type" "Wartortle, Ivysaur are excellent for prestiging. CP efficiency by type" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:36 Rating: 5
"After almost half a year, its great to see the old gang together again" "After almost half a year, its great to see the old gang together again" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:46 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"My first time in San Francisco" "My first time in San Francisco" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:46 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"OC - I fused Feraligatr and Garchomp" "OC - I fused Feraligatr and Garchomp" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:08 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Double Team" "Double Team" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 21:43 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Made my new favorite team's insignia in Photoshop!" "Made my new favorite team's insignia in Photoshop!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 21:43 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Today we have Mudkip" "Today we have Mudkip" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 21:43 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Sunny Day at night" "Sunny Day at night" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 21:43 Rating: 5
"If you own a Samsung device, you can use SideSync to play/monitor spawns from your computer" "If you own a Samsung device, you can use SideSync to play/monitor spawns from your computer" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 21:41 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I must go!! My people need me!!" "I must go!! My people need me!!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:16 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I drew some tropical pokemon" "I drew some tropical pokemon" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:48 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I think I found Ash's pikachu." "I think I found Ash's pikachu." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:36 Rating: 5
"Probably my favorite Christmas gift this year. I'm not sure who made it, but it came from Etsy. If it was one of you fine folk, I sincerely appreciate your hard work." "Probably my favorite Christmas gift this year. I'm not sure who made it, but it came from Etsy. If it was one of you fine folk, I sincerely appreciate your hard work." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:08 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"How Pokémon Go saved my cat's life" "How Pokémon Go saved my cat's life" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 14:46 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Buddy of mine got the family together for the holidays." "Buddy of mine got the family together for the holidays." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 14:46 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I (also) drew my Pokemon Sun character and team!" "I (also) drew my Pokemon Sun character and team!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 14:03 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"How Pokémon Go saved my cat's life" "How Pokémon Go saved my cat's life" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:36 Rating: 5
"[OC Art] Beginner's motivation: A little practice can take you from "I don't know how to art..." to "This looks pretty good..."" "[OC Art] Beginner's motivation: A little practice can take you from "I don't know how to art..." to "This looks pretty good..."" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:23 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Tangela Watercolor" "Tangela Watercolor" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:23 Rating: 5
"I would like to take a moment of silence for everybody's ball collection" "I would like to take a moment of silence for everybody's ball collection" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 12:16 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I live out in the country and this is crazy!" "I live out in the country and this is crazy!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 12:16 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"THANK YOU NIANTIC for this second event! My daughter and I ran 2 blocks, through icy streets to catch this magnificent fellow. Excellent fun and excitement😃 Thought I would share, since it appeared at a lured stop, to show that the dream can happen!" "THANK YOU NIANTIC for this second event! My daughter and I ran 2 blocks, through icy streets to catch this magnificent fellow. Excellent fun and excitement😃 Thought I would share, since it appeared at a lured stop, to show that the dream can happen!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 12:06 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"[meta] Holiday event part 2 is live." "[meta] Holiday event part 2 is live." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 11:16 Rating: 5
"Sewed a shiny Heracross plush by hand for my bf's birthday gift! It's one of his favorite Pokemon on his team. I know the color is a bit off :(" "Sewed a shiny Heracross plush by hand for my bf's birthday gift! It's one of his favorite Pokemon on his team. I know the color is a bit off :(" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 10:58 Rating: 5
"Anyone else have issues with the new tracker not prioritizing rares well? It routinely misses rares even at stops that are closest to me." "Anyone else have issues with the new tracker not prioritizing rares well? It routinely misses rares even at stops that are closest to me." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:36 Rating: 5
"[Discussion] Am I just unlucky or the increased 2nd gen hatches are a myth?" "[Discussion] Am I just unlucky or the increased 2nd gen hatches are a myth?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:21 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Just beat Pokémon Sun, so I drew my team!" "Just beat Pokémon Sun, so I drew my team!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:58 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"We've gone past the 12% mark for the global mission, with 120000 island scan encounters. That's more than double what it was barely over a day ago, and more progress than that of the first three days." "We've gone past the 12% mark for the global mission, with 120000 island scan encounters. That's more than double what it was barely over a day ago, and more progress than that of the first three days." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:58 Rating: 5
"My S/O who lives in a town of 900ish people just sent me this, Getting my hopes up that this will be a good event !!!!" "My S/O who lives in a town of 900ish people just sent me this, Getting my hopes up that this will be a good event !!!!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:26 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Love seeing the PokemonGO starters on my radar." "Love seeing the PokemonGO starters on my radar." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:01 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"100% IV Togepi! How rare is this?" "100% IV Togepi! How rare is this?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:31 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"My Favorite PokéPuppers" "My Favorite PokéPuppers" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:43 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Magnemite a Day! Day 62: Magn-" "Magnemite a Day! Day 62: Magn-" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:03 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Starters confirmed to spawn from incense" "Starters confirmed to spawn from incense" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:41 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Contents of Gift Boxes, Phase 2" "Contents of Gift Boxes, Phase 2" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:41 Rating: 5
"Phase 2 of the Holiday Event is live! Gen 1 starters and new end-of-year sales [MegaThread]" "Phase 2 of the Holiday Event is live! Gen 1 starters and new end-of-year sales [MegaThread]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:41 Rating: 5
"A woman in the Chicago Pokemon group on Facebook thought Niantic sent her this for filling up her Dex. She obviously didn't read the title." "A woman in the Chicago Pokemon group on Facebook thought Niantic sent her this for filling up her Dex. She obviously didn't read the title." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:38 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Part 2 Porygon2 :) Part 3 coming up!" "Part 2 Porygon2 :) Part 3 coming up!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:38 Rating: 5
"[Idea] Every player gets a Macho Brace for their New Year's resolution to exercise more" "[Idea] Every player gets a Macho Brace for their New Year's resolution to exercise more" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:06 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Tips for new (Pokemon Go) mappers" "Tips for new (Pokemon Go) mappers" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:11 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"New loading screen! The event has started!" "New loading screen! The event has started!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:11 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"New loading screen!" "New loading screen!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:06 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Part 1 Mimikyu :) Next coming soon!" "Part 1 Mimikyu :) Next coming soon!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:03 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Good deed for the day and a lesson learned..." "Good deed for the day and a lesson learned..." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:26 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Pokemon Go seems... out of place here, USAToday." "Pokemon Go seems... out of place here, USAToday." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:21 Rating: 5
"[Suggestion] If we can track Pokemon that are nearby pokestops, why not when they are nearby Gyms?" "[Suggestion] If we can track Pokemon that are nearby pokestops, why not when they are nearby Gyms?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:21 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Tangela made by my sister from old power cords and chargers!" "Tangela made by my sister from old power cords and chargers!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:58 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Drew my character and team in pokemon sun!" "Drew my character and team in pokemon sun!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:58 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"The Egg Event Does NOT End Today" "The Egg Event Does NOT End Today" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:56 Rating: 5
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