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"Good deed for the day and a lesson learned..."

#PokemonGO: I was playing Pokemon Go this morning and found a brand new Iphone in a park near my house. There was no one else around and the phone was dead. I took it home and charged it but it had a passcode. The phone would not even let me use siri without it so I had no way to contact anyone who may have known the owner.Luckily someone called the phone within 5 minutes. They had lost the phone the previous night while walking home from the bars.However, if this person wouldn't have called the passcode would have prevented me from being able to contact anyone who may have known the owner. There is a way on Iphone to allow the use of siri without a passcode. I suggest that you enable this feature on your phones. Since we are all outside a lot, and as pogo players a lot of the time we have a low battery, it may be a good idea to lighten the security a bit so someone can return your phone if it is lost! via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Good deed for the day and a lesson learned..." "Good deed for the day and a lesson learned..." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:26 Rating: 5

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