"[PSA] The pre-choosen team algorithm look at the moveset"

#PokemonGO: I don't know when this change happen, maybe I'm a little slowpoke but usually i never look at the 6 pre-choosen pokemon. Today i was battling an Alakazam (weak to Dark, Ghost and Bug) and the pre-choosing was a couple of Snorlax (both with Lick), Arcanine (with Bite), Gyarados (again with Bite) and a 5th Pokemon i don't remember.But a long time ago i can remember using a pre-choseen team (because of lack of time) against a Dragonite with a Clefable (because Dragonite is weak to Fairy) that have no Fairy tipe.So, seem that now the pre-choosing algorithm look at the moveset instead of the type of the Pokemon.It's an old thing? (sorry if it's an old think, i've never noticed before) via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2i4ZbXK
"[PSA] The pre-choosen team algorithm look at the moveset"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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