"When Generation 2 is released Niantic would be wise to expand the Shop."

#PokemonGO: The Gen. 2 hype train is already rolling fast down the tracks. Regardless of when they are actually released you know Niantic will be counting on the renewed interest to boost daily players and revenue. We tend to be quick to make suggestions that benefit us as players but that doesn't mean such changes would benefit Niantic as a business. Keeping this in mind, I believe Niantic should expand the Shop at the same time they release Gen. 2; doing so will make them more money AND make the game better for us. What if, for example, the shop included a bundle of Ultra balls that could be purchased? Or perhaps a discount on Incubators if purchased in bulk like Incense/Lures/Lucky Eggs? Without even adding new items they would improve their bottom line because higher level (30+) players who resist buying regular pokeballs would likely consider spending money on better items/bundles. It would also be a simple way of expanding and improving the game that would require a bare minimum of coding. In addition, I agree with the idea that has been proposed of expanding the number of Pokemon that can be kept. The benefits seem obvious to me. A) More Pokemon to collect? No problem, you can carry more now. No one will complain about having the option to carry more and many would appreciate it. B) It again would require a bare minimum of coding/resources to make the change C) Niantic would make more money as players expand their storage, both immediately after the change was made AND over time as more players get to higher levels and desire to carry more good quality 'mon. In short, I think Niantic would benefit as a business and the game would benefit as a whole if they expanded their Shop when Generation 2 puts the app back in the headlines. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2gUAg5E
"When Generation 2 is released Niantic would be wise to expand the Shop."
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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