"You literally made it worse (no, not the tracker)..."
#PokemonGO: Niantic.I'm looking at you.I get it, no one likes to hear complaints. I try to keep positive in my posts when I can, including critiques or suggestions for a game. I'm not perfect, but I do try.The game audio features are utter crap. This steaming pile of feces has bugged me from day one. However, at the very least, before, if I wanted to listen to music while I played I only had to restart playback ONCE.Now, EVERY TIME I check on something in another screen, and hop back to Pokémon GO, I have to restart playback. What's worse is that, even with the sounds disabled, Pokémon GO automatically lowers my music's sound.I'm tired of this. Seriously tired. If I'm going to go for a walk, I am not going to listen to the Pokémon GO music. I'm going to listen to my music. Don't punish me for multi-tasking. This is beyond ridiculous.Fix it via /r/pokemongo http://ift.tt/2g0pvRb
"You literally made it worse (no, not the tracker)..."
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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