"Hatched My 3,000th Egg Today. Quick Summary of Rares Since July"

#PokemonGO: This is a cross-post (I think that is the interweb name) from my post in the other forum. If not allowed, apologies in advance.Grimer 22Hitmonlee 20Hitmonchan 12Lickitung 14Chansey 12Lapras 7Porygon 13Snorlax 9The 3,000th hatch was a Meowth.Between hatches 2900 and 2950 I hatched 2 Snorlax and 1 Lickitung. I expect all my RNG luck has been used up for a month or so.I spend between 100-150USD per month on incubators.Edit to add:I didn't count dratinis, kabuto, tangela, omanyte, etc. I can give approximate numbers later, however they won't be "research-worthy" as I know I have caught some of those species in the wild and am not 100% confident how many were hatched v. caught.I have walked 2,208km (no spoofing, very little drift)Level 36 (200k from level 37) via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2kdONO4
"Hatched My 3,000th Egg Today. Quick Summary of Rares Since July"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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