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"Dodging matters: a lot of depends on the timing, there is no absolute best moveset for a pokémon. Data within a ZIP + source code released"

#PokemonGO: TL;DR:The best moveset of the pokémon depends on your dodge timing and the defender's rate of attack.For example let's assume you prestige against a Dragonite with a Cloyster. If the Dragonite has Dragon Tail, the defender attacks every 2.6 seconds. This allows you to use Frost Breath twice and dodge every move in every round. 2 frost breath are better than 1 ice shard. But if the Dragonite uses Dragon Breath it will attack every 2 seconds. This only lets you use 1 frost breath, but also allows you to use 1 Ice shard which is better in this case. In both cases the best charged move is Avalanche.This means it doesn't worth seeking the best moveset. There is no best moveset. There are several movesets that can be useful in various circumtances, and there are the bad movesets (for example Raticates with Dig are still weak).Source code + data ZIP: the recent days I worked on getting my analysis program better. It's still not complete and probably never be perfect. So I released the source of it (see above). There are also a few big ZIP files in the repository with some sample data it generates.I worked on different DPS calculation. One that includes the stamina energy too. So I assumed your pokémon would last 100 seconds and also assumed it will be level 30 and the stamina energy will be gradually added to the total energy to the simulation. For example if your pokémon has 200HP that means 100 stamina energy so I assumed 100/100 = 1 extra EPS to the energy generation for that pokémon.The second thing is the more interesting. I also counted with the fact the players dodge. I assumed they follow a dodge rythm, so they do the same sequence of attacks in each round. For example there are quite a few Mud Slap Rhydons in the gyms. Mud slap's duration is 1.4 seconds. Added the 1.5 second pause means a 2.9 second round time. Dodging is 0.5 seconds. so I have 2.4 seconds to attack, and this means I can safely hit with 4 water guns when I attack it with Vaporeon. I time the attacks after dodge, so it's like dodge, tap, tap, tap, tap... dodge, tap, tap, tap, tap... dodge, long tap... dodge, tap, tap, tap, tap, etc...And the finding is that the best moveset greatly depends on the round length.For the Mud Slap Rhydon case with 2.9 second round length it's something like this for Vaporeon:Vaporeon: Water gun + Aqua tail : 3481.53 (msDPS: 15.8251) (Fast attacks per turn: 4, Number of chargeds used: 16)Vaporeon: Water gun + Hydro pump : 3383.37 (msDPS: 15.3789) (Fast attacks per turn: 4, Number of chargeds used: 5)Vaporeon: Water gun + Water pulse : 3376.72 (msDPS: 15.3487) (Fast attacks per turn: 4, Number of chargeds used: 11)In case of Rock smash Rhydon with 2.8 second round length:Vaporeon: Water gun + Hydro pump : 3746.3 (msDPS: 17.0286) (Fast attacks per turn: 4, Number of chargeds used: 6)Vaporeon: Water gun + Aqua tail : 3492.06 (msDPS: 15.873) (Fast attacks per turn: 4, Number of chargeds used: 16)Vaporeon: Water gun + Water pulse : 3461.35 (msDPS: 15.7334) (Fast attacks per turn: 4, Number of chargeds used: 11)The only difference is that the Vaporeon could use 1 more Hydro pump within 100 seconds. And the reason for that is that 0.1 second difference. In the first case our Vaporeon needed to wait 0.1 second more in each turn which results in a lower DPS so fewer hydro pumps.There are bigger differences if we look at a pokémon with more options:Let's say we are prestiging with a Pidgeot against a Zen headbutt Snorlax. Zen headbutt is 1.1 seconds long, so the round time is 2.6 seconds.It says Wing attack + Aerial Ace legacy moveset is the best. You can do 2 wing attacks and safely dodge before the next Zen Headbutt:Pidgeot: Wing attack + Aerial ace : 2610.58 (msDPS: 14.4231) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 14)Pidgeot: Wing attack + Air cutter : 2469.8 (msDPS: 13.6453) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 11)Pidgeot: Steel wing + Aerial ace : 2449.48 (msDPS: 13.533) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 11)Pidgeot: Wing attack + Hurricane : 2441 (msDPS: 13.4862) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 5)Pidgeot: Steel wing + Hurricane : 2356.21 (msDPS: 13.0178) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 4)Pidgeot: Steel wing + Air cutter : 2288.38 (msDPS: 12.643) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 8)Pidgeot: Wing attack + Brave bird : 2217.87 (msDPS: 12.2535) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 5)Pidgeot: Steel wing + Brave bird : 2177.71 (msDPS: 12.0316) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 4)Pidgeot: Air slash + Aerial ace : 2041.61 (msDPS: 11.2796) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 9)Pidgeot: Air slash + Air cutter : 1934.83 (msDPS: 10.6897) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 7)Pidgeot: Air slash + Hurricane : 1860.87 (msDPS: 10.2811) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 3)Pidgeot: Air slash + Brave bird : 1727 (msDPS: 9.54142) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 3)Now let's say we are battling against a licking Snorlax, lick is 0.5 seconds so the round time is 2 seconds. Now Air slash + Aerial Ace is the best. You can use 1 slash each turn between two licks which does bigger damage than a single Wing attack. But two Wing attacks + dodge wouldn't fit in within 2 seconds, you would eventually lose the rhythm and get hit.Pidgeot: Air slash + Aerial ace : 2696.9 (msDPS: 14.9) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 12)Pidgeot: Air slash + Air cutter : 2502.9 (msDPS: 13.8282) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 9)Pidgeot: Air slash + Hurricane : 2452.55 (msDPS: 13.55) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 4)Pidgeot: Air slash + Brave bird : 2271.55 (msDPS: 12.55) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 4)Pidgeot: Wing attack + Aerial ace : 2074.71 (msDPS: 11.4625) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 11)Pidgeot: Wing attack + Air cutter : 1846.2 (msDPS: 10.2) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 8)Pidgeot: Steel wing + Aerial ace : 1831.72 (msDPS: 10.12) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 8)Pidgeot: Wing attack + Hurricane : 1828.1 (msDPS: 10.1) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 4)Pidgeot: Wing attack + Brave bird : 1647.1 (msDPS: 9.1) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 4)Pidgeot: Steel wing + Air cutter : 1574.7 (msDPS: 8.7) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 5)Pidgeot: Steel wing + Hurricane : 1453.43 (msDPS: 8.03) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 2)Pidgeot: Steel wing + Brave bird : 1362.93 (msDPS: 7.53) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 2)Yet another example you want to knock out a Blissey with your glass cannon Alakazam. When the Blissey has Zen headbutt, your best is:Alakazam: Confusion + Dazzling gleam : 4653.85 (msDPS: 16.2722) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 9)Alakazam: Psycho cut + Futuresight : 4653.85 (msDPS: 16.2722) (Fast attacks per turn: 3, Number of chargeds used: 7)If the Blissey is Pounding, the round time is 2.1. Your best Alakazam option is:Alakazam: Confusion + Focus blast : 5172.94 (msDPS: 18.0872) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 5)Another thing I added to the program is the prestiger list. It scales the stats of the pokémon to 1500 CP and calculates how much damage it would do before it faints. This number is proportional with the Attack, Defense and Stamina values, so basically the DPS value is scaled with the 3 base stats.The best prestigers against a Dragon Tail Dragonite (2.6 sec round), are these:Lapras: Frost breath + Ice beam : 5916.79 (msDPS: 28.4791) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 10)Blissey: Pound + Dazzling gleam : 5714.89 (msDPS: 19.8595) (Fast attacks per turn: 3, Number of chargeds used: 11)Piloswine: Powder snow + Avalanche : 5628.17 (msDPS: 31.5505) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 15)Blissey: Pound + Hyper beam : 5501.82 (msDPS: 18.9961) (Fast attacks per turn: 3, Number of chargeds used: 6)Lapras: Frost breath + Blizzard : 5327.59 (msDPS: 25.5675) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 5)Dewgong: Frost breath + Blizzard : 5312.35 (msDPS: 25.5675) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 5)Lapras: Water gun + Ice beam : 5006.29 (msDPS: 24.0256) (Fast attacks per turn: 4, Number of chargeds used: 11)Dewgong: Frost breath + Icy wind : 4944.14 (msDPS: 23.1139) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 12)Cloyster: Frost breath + Avalanche : 4941.44 (msDPS: 27.1588) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 9)Dewgong: Frost breath + Aurora beam : 4922.61 (msDPS: 23.6918) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 9)But when prestiging against a legacy Dragon Breath Dragonite (2 sec round), we have a completely different prestiger list:Blissey: Pound + Dazzling gleam : 4880.26 (msDPS: 17.6601) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 10)Cloyster: Ice shard + Avalanche : 4869.92 (msDPS: 26.7658) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 10)Lapras: Ice shard + Ice beam : 4845.18 (msDPS: 23.2524) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 9)Piloswine: Ice shard + Avalanche : 4826.94 (msDPS: 26.9262) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 10)Blissey: Pound + Hyper beam : 4742.68 (msDPS: 16.375) (Fast attacks per turn: 2, Number of chargeds used: 5)Lapras: Water gun + Ice beam : 4629.44 (msDPS: 22.217) (Fast attacks per turn: 3, Number of chargeds used: 10)Lapras: Ice shard + Blizzard : 4598.87 (msDPS: 22.0703) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 5)Dewgong: Ice shard + Blizzard : 4585.71 (msDPS: 22.0703) (*) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 5)Piloswine: Powder snow + Avalanche : 4570.54 (msDPS: 25.4959) (Fast attacks per turn: 1, Number of chargeds used: 12)Lapras: Water gun + Blizzard : 4409.85 (msDPS: 21.1632) (Fast attacks per turn: 3, Number of chargeds used: 6)So the conclusion is there is no well defined best moveset for a pokémon. It depends on what you fight against, what moveset it has, what's your dodging strategy, and how long battle do you expect. I haven't considered the charged attacks of the defender yet. That would probably complicate things even further.And we already have program called Pokébattler to deal with these complicated simulations - though it doesn't support the fixed dodge rythms yet.I released the source code. It can be compiled by any C++11 compliant compiler. It's a command line program which show the help on how to use it when invoked without command line arguments. You can play with various settings to find out what is the best in which situations. It uses the unprocessed game master file located on your phone. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Dodging matters: a lot of depends on the timing, there is no absolute best moveset for a pokémon. Data within a ZIP + source code released" "Dodging matters: a lot of depends on the timing, there is no absolute best moveset for a pokémon. Data within a ZIP + source code released" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:44 Rating: 5

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