"Why I Think This Game Would Be Better With NPCs"

#PokemonGO: Reading through this site I see that so many people's gripe with this game is that it's the same thing day in day out. Walk around, catch Pokemon, transfer them, maybe power something up.I am leaving the gym system out of this as it's not a part of the game I'm really interested in due to how simple it is and unchallenging. For me, Pokemon has always been about catching them all.But I think we need NPCs in the game. They could pop up for certain time intervals (1-2 hours) at random Pokestops and give us either a random item (maybe something like "Hi trainer, I found these Pinap Berries on the ground. You look like you could use them more than I can") or a quest (maybe something like "Hey trainer, I really need some Cyndaquil candy to evolve my Quilava. If you are able to bring me the candy I need, I have a reward for you.")In the case of the quest every Cyndaquil you catch will give the same amount of candy to the NPC as it does to you. You would also have a time limit (different for every quest). Maybe 24 hours to get 100 Cyndaquil candy but the NPC being based at a Pokestop in a Cyndaquil nest. For completing the quest you could receive either an Egg containing something unique or rare, Stardust, coins, other candy, items, a TM (assuming TMs will be part of the game someday).I just really feel that this is what the game is missing for me. A reason to go catch 25 Cyndaquil to get a random reward. via /r/pokemongo http://ift.tt/2nRXK1x
"Why I Think This Game Would Be Better With NPCs"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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