"[Question] Am I the only one having trouble finding Larvitar?"

#PokemonGO: I havent seen a single larvitar yet, while I have seen perfect max cp tyranitars pop up in gyms since the first week of gen 2. My pokedex is at 185 caught/203 seen and have caught around 1500 pokemon since gen 2 came out, which is a lot to me. Am I unlucky or doing something wrong, or is it just really hard to get?Edit: Im from the Netherlands, which is basically one big water biome & have no idea how biomes really work since I only ever encounter this one, so not sure if relevant. Edit 2: minor text fixes via /r/pokemongo http://ift.tt/2owM7hI
"[Question] Am I the only one having trouble finding Larvitar?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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