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"I discovered that you can in fact easily get the HA of Alolan form pokémon using Virtual Console"

I'm the kind of person who preplans his teams before I start the game, and my Sun team ended up being planned with an Alolan Golem on it, however I was told that he's best with his Hidden Ability, and due to the difficulty of such a thing, I turned to Virtual Console. Any pokémon transferred to pokébank from VC Red or Blue will automatically have their Hidden Ability, along with a few nice perfect stats. So logically I bought Red and played until I got to Mt. Moon, caught a whole bunch of Geodudes, sent them to Sun where I handpicked what I could only assume were the best two and breeded them together, 4000 steps later and voilà: the fruit of my laborCouple things about this method, first being you're gonna need the VC game your preferred pokémon can be caught in, and you're gonna have to get a few. Second, the way the ability is "passed down" is a little weird. Normally there's a 60% chance of getting the ability from the mother, but there's a chance that you won't get the HA at all, instead you'll get a random ability the alolan form pokémon can normally have. Out of the 4 I've hatched so far, only 1 had an ability that wasn't its hidden ability. So if you decide to try this out, don't get discouraged if your first hatch doesn't have it's hidden ability.Cheers lads via /r/pokemon
"I discovered that you can in fact easily get the HA of Alolan form pokémon using Virtual Console" "I discovered that you can in fact easily get the HA of Alolan form pokémon using Virtual Console" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 18:44 Rating: 5

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