"I'm Loving This Event"

#PokemonGO: Title says it all.Halloween was fun (candy bonus was severely underrated) being the first major event and all. I walked so far during Halloween.New years/Starters was great, I was catching starters right and left. I caught a 2058 Venasaur with VW/SB, my #1 Gym atracker, on the last day.Valentine's was good, I got my Fairy medal, and some extra candy and a wild Porygon.Water was a ball, Magikarp left and right, with just about everything else on top. No shiny for me though :(Easter was cool, I got a lot of new Gen 2 entries from those eggs and hatched 2/3 starters.Grass was meh...I got a Tangela and a few Chikorita, but otherwise...meh.But this...I'm catching Geodude, Kabuto, Omanyte, Ryhorn like pidgey. Stumbles upon a wild Aerodactly, got a few Onix and some other rock mons. Caught my first Larvitar. Caught my first Slugma (Lvl 33 btw). To boot, I'm at Rehoboth Beach and the biome is insane. I went from 80 to 195 on my electric medal in a day. 20 to 52 on steel. Got a Hitmonchan (never even seen one), almost got a 'Lee. This event in this biome is magical. I've seen almost anything you can think on the tracker. Opening the game is actually exciting, because I know it'll be odd if I even see a Spearow or a ducking Spinarak. Seriously, I'm more likely to see a geodude or magnemite than a pidgey (caught 3 since the event started). And the extra stop drops? Magic.It's just magic.Edit: Not fixing text mistakes, sry via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2qGS0ae
"I'm Loving This Event"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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