"[RESULTS] "Pokemon GO" Play Style Survey"

#PokemonGO: Link to results graphs: http://ift.tt/2pUaCpJ to data used in analysis (can be downloaded for individual use): http://ift.tt/2qAJJ6n distribution of total XP and battle-to-attack ratios, made for some nice statistically-significant results* (*no statistical significance tests have actually been run). I expected there to be a bit more self-selection bias in the data, but it appears to be in line with what I kind of expected, distribution-wise.Respondents favoured attacking over training (surprise, surprise), but the largest group was the 0.8-1.2 ratio range.There were 15 submissions that had zero battles (no attacks or trainings)It is interesting to see the defined "groups" of play styles come out of the distribution charts - obviously affected by the bin sizes to some extent, though I used a method of "square-root of total data points" to determine the approximate number of bins to use (which is apparently a good estimate of the appropriate number of bins to limit bias/unrepresentative data).Little-to-no correlation between total XP and battle-to-training ratio or total gym participation - each XP group had a number of representatives that were heavy gym battlers as well as primarily collectors/grinders. Note that the specific XP cutoffs for each XP group in the analysis was mostly based around milestone levels/stages of progress. This also happened to coincide with semi-"standard deviation" intervals.There were a number of outliers that I didn't include in the main scatterplot visualization for the sake of relevancy. There were also a couple data points I didn't include at all in the analysis (XP was submitted as "7" and "10" for these two points, presumably a level instead of total XP). I also deleted a couple duplicate submissions (two submissions seconds after each other with identical total XP fields).As I've made the survey results available, hopefully others can visualize the data in different ways and reach some new/different conclusions.Thanks again to everyone who responded to this survey.Happy gymming! via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2qzXkuT
"[RESULTS] "Pokemon GO" Play Style Survey"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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