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"[Complaint] Why in the world is it faster to take down a 18144CP Machamp solo than 3 common mons in a gym?"

#PokemonGO: Level 39 here. Just took down 18144CP Machamp solo. Set up my mons and went at it. Few mins later it's all over. I'm all hyped as it was a close battle.After the bonus round, I decided to take down the gym. 3 commons with half HP. Still took 3 battles each to clear the gym.What's the purpose in having to keep fighting them over again?It's like a battle between team A and Team B with Team A winning. And then Team B gets punished and has to lose a couple of players and they battle again.So many things wrong with Gyms currently. via /r/pokemongo
"[Complaint] Why in the world is it faster to take down a 18144CP Machamp solo than 3 common mons in a gym?" "[Complaint] Why in the world is it faster to take down a 18144CP Machamp solo than 3 common mons in a gym?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:54 Rating: 5

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