"I love this update, and it clears a path for the rest of the year!"

#PokemonGO: Hey guys,So, this update is really setting us up for the rest of the summer. Tyranitar is a Mewtwo counter, Gengar a mew counter. The last event was rock, which it just so happens Golem will be a HUGE help if we get Legendary raids!I see a lot of people already complaining about lack of content/things to power up as Gyms, which are now entry level busy work, aren't the way they were, and also that Raids are already boring.Well, if you ask me, the next release of Raid bosses will be EPIC. We are right on track to be equipped for great Legendary Pokemon. I also feel like all of this Gym Rework/raiding is getting everyone caught up for Gen 3.Muk is a tough one to get outside of raids. He's here. Ttar is another one that's reliant on eggs mostly. We get him! For our dex and Mewtwo.They're also letting us raid, which is great. The alternative was gyms under construction for who knows how long!When they finally fix the bugs, and work out optimizing the game, rather than rolling out a huge update to basically quell our whining, this game will actually have a lot of features. Better late than never if you ask me! I think i'm more excited now for PoGo than the day I installed it on 7/7/16!TL;DR: Raids right now are setting us up for Legendary raids if that's how Legendary Pokemon are introduced. Bugs suck, but are better than no gyms AT. ALL. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2tnlCww
"I love this update, and it clears a path for the rest of the year!"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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