"[Idea] Have a "waiting room" for players looking for others to help battle a raid boss"

#PokemonGO: When you first click on a newly hatched raid boss at a gym few blocks away, there's no way to tell if there's any other players trying to battle the boss. Sometimes I would walk all the way to the distant gym and nobody is there. Other times I'm on lunch break from work and I see a Lapras or something waiting to be taken down, but I don't want to get there and nobody is there. If there was an option for a player(s) at a gym to enter a waiting room by pressing on a button when you first click on a gym, that would solve this irritating dilemma. You wouldn't have to use a raid pass to enter the waiting room, and once you enter the waiting room it will say how many other players are in the waiting room. Additionally if a player who is not already in the waiting room clicks on the gym, it will indicate how many players are already ready and waiting to battle the boss. This I think would benefit many players who don't have the time to walk around all day and make it easier for folks to join with others to take down tier 3 and 4 bosses, and hopefully tier 5 bosses soon! I posted a picture below of what it could look like. (I know the smileys look stupid, but I didn't know what else to use)http://ift.tt/2uopHBm via /r/pokemongo http://ift.tt/2uomZeZ
"[Idea] Have a "waiting room" for players looking for others to help battle a raid boss"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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