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"Game Freak should revisit some older failed ideas and try and execute them better."

Game Freak has been making so many new concepts lately. In Gen 6 and Gen 7, we got a new type, Megas, Z Moves, Alolan Forms, and unique new Pokemon like Zygarde, whose form changes based on how many cells you have in Sun and Moon. While this is a good thing and is not bad by any means, Game Freak has had other concepts in earlier generations and seemingly abandoned them after our (the fans) distaste. Today, I plan on looking back on these ideas and seeing how Game Freak and Nintendo can bring them back and improve on them.As a disclaimer, most of these earlier concepts are not nearly as flashy as Megas, but they are still interesting nonetheless.Firstly is a concept that went completely under the radar in Gen 5 (Unova) that we have not seen since and one that i would love to see in a future game. This idea didn't have an official name, and wasn't even capitalized on in the Black or White, but looking back, it was very interesting, to me at least. Since it had no official name, i will be calling these "False Starters," since that's what it basically was. I'm talking about Pansage/Simisage, Pansear/Simisear, and Panpour/Simipour. These Pokemon were essentially starters. In Sun and Moon, they can be learn the Pledge moves, and had Overgrow/Blaze/Torrent as their hidden abilities. Presumably since they were not well received by fans, Gamefreak never revisited this concept.Maybe the fact that those False Starters were all Monkeys had something to do with that. While Game Freak has proven that they can make a Starter Pokemon a Monkey and still be amazing (Infernape), these designs were not all that interesting, and their base stats weren't exactly stellar from a competitive angle. Also, the fact that Unova had better Grass, Fire, and Water Pokemon wasn't exactly in their favor. If it was ever to be revisited, I would keep their hidden abilities the same, and i would keep the concept of them evolving through stones and the 2 stage evolution, but i would make it so that instead of Monkeys, they were elemental Dragons. Think about it. We have 3 Fire/Dragon Pokemon, one of which is a Mega and another is a Legendary, we have 2 Grass/Dragon Pokemon, one of which is a Mega and another is an Alolan form, and we have 2 Water/Dragon Pokemon, one of which is a Legendary. If we were to make three 2 staged "Elemental Dragons," we would have a nice option to have on our teams throughout the game and also would have 3 competitively viable Pokemon given the right abilities and stats. I would still have all 3 Pokemon share the same Stats, but not the regular ability. Instead, i would give them either Grassy Surge/Drought/Drizzle or Sap Sipper/Flash Fire/Storm Drain. As for Base Stats, i would have the BST be 530, matching most Starters, and have the stats be:HP: 75Attack: 100Defense: 70Special Attack: 100Special Defense: 70Speed: 115This would make all 3 pretty decent competitively, so nobody ends up forgetting about them like the Monkeys.If any of you artists out there like this idea and decide to draw it, post it here on r/pokemon since we all would love to see it!Moving on, another forgotten idea was something that used to be beloved and common, but has quickly vanished from the recent generations, which are new evolution. Concept is simple. Pokemon has 1 or 2 stage evolution. Game Freak be like "lol lets give it another" and now Pokemon have 2 or 3 stage evolution. YAY. Simple, right? Sadly, the last time we saw this (excluding Sylveon) was in Gen 4 (Sinnoh). Why have we not seen it since? The reason for its exclusion in Gen 5 was most likely because that up till then, new evolutions were only introduced every other generation, so it was probably originally planned for Gen 6. The reason we did not receive it then was due to Game Freak wanting to capitalize on Megas, so Pokemon that could have used a regular evolution, like Houndoom or Absol, received Megas instead. Gen 7 not having any would presumably be because of the same reason as Gen 5. If all goes to plan, Gen 8 should have new regular evolutions... but when do things ever goes as planned in Pokemon anyway?Some Pokemon who could receive these are (I'll list one per Generation):-Rapidash-Skarmory-Torkoal-Luxray good job me on forgetting Luxio existed.-Skuntank-Sigilyph-Meowstic-DrampaHonestly it may be too early for an evolution for the last 3, but the other 4 deserve evolutions.Lastly, one last forgotten concept was Gyms and HMs was only done once in Gen 2, and that is linking pokemon. What i mean by this is that even though Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan were considered counterparts, they were not related by evolution, In Gen 2, Tyrogue was added and could evolve into Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, and Hitmontop. This was the first and only time two Pokemon that were unrelated were made so. There are so many other "Pokemon Pairs" out there that could be given a pre-evolution, such as:-Plusle and Minun-Volbeat and Illumise-Lunatone and Solrock-Trow and SawkI wouldn't really care whether a 3rd guy (Hitmontop) was added or not as long as their was some sort of pre-evolution.That's my list anyway. If there is anything i forgot, feel free to discuss.Let's hope Game Freak takes notes... via /r/pokemon
"Game Freak should revisit some older failed ideas and try and execute them better." "Game Freak should revisit some older failed ideas and try and execute them better." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:18 Rating: 5

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