"List of Outstanding Bugs and Enhancements to PokemonGo"

#PokemonGO: Its been around 1 month since we've had an update to PokemonGo that included real bug fixes, this is due to a number of real world events that could not be interrupted by app updates.Hopefully its alright for me to compile such a list here to try and consolidate information from multiple posts ive seen across the subreddit.Some items have (?) next to them, its because I was unsure about either the implementation or validation of the request, but added it anywayUpdate Its night time for me now and I have stuff to do, if you have any new items to report, make them as new comments, as I am only looking at comments sorted by new, will look at them tomorrow. Great work everyone!Bug ListBugs are circumstances within the game that are certainly not intended and require fixing, assigning a severity to these is not our responsibility. both lists are in no particular orderlast premier ball not possbile to catch raid boss (first ball bug)Impossible to get first catch XP bonus on raid catching boss (first ball bug)High rate of data usage since the Gym updateDamage bonus gets reset on rejoining a raidRegular blank sightingsBonus items from Gyms not displaying in JournalGym gives an extended "Error" upon rejoin if you disconnect incorrectlyRejoining the raid catch bonus phase changes the raid boss CP incorrectlyGym control bonus during raids does not function correctlyLarge delays and crashes when using potions on PokemonRaids against Legendary Pokémon do not count towards the Champion MedalUnexpected crash when pressing "Back" from within the pokemon menuPokémon Assigned to Gyms (and surrounding pokemon) can lose their favourited statusDodging a fatal attack in raids and gyms glitches your attacking PokemonNetwork Errors experienced when attacking the original Gym Defenders after a raid at that gym (?)Minor Gym animation glitches when interacting with gym PokestopPokemon are not able to be powered up over level 39When receiving a large number of items from a pokestop, the UI does not show every single itemPokestops show the previous cached photo disk imageDouble XP is not reflected in the end of raid rewards screenwhen healing pokemon during the raid lobby screen, the current lineup is reset / forgottenCurve ball animation is lost if you curve the ball for too long (?)Spinning 2 pokestops in quick succession only gives you one set of items and locks the latter one.Healing or reviving during a raid battle burns items without healing (?)Unable to catch the raid boss after crashing + raid success (?)Pokemon are visible in inventory before they hatch (also transferring it crashes the app)Pogo+ will not reconnect a second time in a single session, restart of app is requiredCharacter limit on pokemon search field is not a set standard (per phone screen size)Using a charge attack quickly after a quick attack does not show the charge animation (?)tapping a pokemon just as it goes out of range crashes the UIEnhancementsRecommendations for the game that we as players feel should be implemented.certain business rules / decisions from either the Pokemon Company or Niantic may block the implementation of these featuresTell users when their clocks are out of sync (raid boss countdown error)Fix PerformanceFix high battery useOne legendary allowed per gymUpdate egg tracking accuracyIncrease Egg hatching speed to promote joggingDecide if raid egg timers will return or notAdd a cooldown period to the end of Raid Gym timers, so people who crash can continue after raid expiryUpdate colour palette so instinct players know when they are getting bonus items from gymsEvery action added to the Journal (Fighting a Gym, Defender dropped at gym, raid reward, etc)Journal should be able to be filtered by action (Show last 50 egg hatches, catches or pokestops)Add the Dodge yellow flash animation into Raid battles (same as Gym Battles)Be able to manage / feed berry / view gym from the gym badge pageBe able to easily create reading teams for quick raid selectionShow the correct coloured egg when a pokemons origin is from a hatched eggA quicker way to manually spin gym pokestopsMore ways to organise pokemon storageImplement the ability to use Pogo+ on Gym pokestopsIncrease the reliability of connecting the PoGo+Improve the response time of Pogo+ on Pokestops and PokemonAbility to convert rare candy into normal candy in incrementsShow the egg closest to hatching on the overworld screen (?)Always show the infinite incubator as the first selectable IncubatorOn the "Next Battle" screen in gyms, give us the ability to select a new pokemonIn game chat implementedShow a transparent lucky egg timer on screens other than the overworldImplement NPC activities like team rocket attacksAward attacking rather than defendingAllow us to be able to make our own raid code combinations via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2v40JDW
"List of Outstanding Bugs and Enhancements to PokemonGo"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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