"**PSA** Turn your Bluetooth off until your next major OS Update"

#PokemonGO: Why: There is a recently disclosed BlueTooth based vulnerability, which could allow your device/phone to be taken over, and in turn also spread. The vulnerability is named BlueBorne.How: All that is required, is that BlueTooth is turned on. There is no prompts, or requests to pair, nor is there a requirement for devices to be paired. An exploit can happen over the air in under 9.5m / 30feet, and can take less than 15 seconds.What can it do: Your phone could be totally taken over, all your information, passwords, data stolen. All your phone functions, apps, even your camera can be controlled remotely, and the possibility of your phone becoming an additional attacker.Impact to PokemonGo Community: The effects on GO+ Devices is currently unknown, but they may be impacted. Additionally, bad actors could do little things like interrupt games/raids, to really bad things like take over/steal accounts, or cause issue to get accounts banned.Is it in the wild: Yes, there's indications that in larger cities, activity has been seen.Is there a Fix:Windows devices, received a workaround in July, and the driver based Fix was released in September (Patch Tuesday Sep 12th)Google has prepared the fix as part of the September security patches, however, it has not been fully released, and not all vendors have created compatible updates.IOS, Linux currently have no confirmation of fixes (as of this writing).What is not affected: It seems Blackberry OS Devices, and devices using Mac OS/X 10+, QNX, or other Operating systems are not impacted.In-Depth Technical info: See http://ift.tt/2xFMIls Credit to: /u/HQna for his help in the formatting of this writeup.EDIT 1: Although iOS10 Deivces were never vulnerable, any devices with iOS 9.3.5 or lower is still vulnerable. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2x5VTu7
"**PSA** Turn your Bluetooth off until your next major OS Update"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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