"[Suggestion] How I'd like a Quest feature to work"

#PokemonGO: So, since Pokémon Go started, I've seen many suggestions for quests.Lots of people suggested simple quests that are replaced once you finish the previous quest.Other people suggested that quests should be sort of globally randomised every 24 hours.Some people suggested different tiers of quests, with easy quests being something like "Catch 5 Pokémon today", medium quests being something like "Win one raid today" and hard quests being more like "Catch 5 Poliwag" or something else specific that may require a lot of searching, depending on your biome.I like all these ideas, especially catching specific Pokémon, but after thinking about it, I think the most sensible thing is for quests to differ per biome. So here's my idea:The actual ideaYou should FIND quests instead of them randomly being assigned to everyone per day. Maybe you'd find a scroll on the ground, or you'd receive an actual message / call from Professor Willow etc.ExamplesIn my desert biome, I'd like to find "Catch 10 Sandshrew" but when I leave and go into a normal City-Pokémon biome, I may find "Catch 10 Pidgey". You should also find slightly higher-tier quests like "Catch 1 Graveler" etc (depending on your biome). Higher tier quests should be rarer but should reward more.We should also get non-catching quests like "Battle at 3 different gyms" or "Swipe 5 Pokéstops"The possibilities are endless.RulesWhen finding the quest, you should have the option to accept or decline. Accepting the quest should give you 24 hours to complete it. You should be able to cancel the quest at any time. You can only have one active quest at a time. You cannot do the same quest twice in a day as it should have a 24 hour cooldown, even if you cancelled it half way through.RewardsPersonally, I don't even care about rewards because the quest itself would be fun, but realistically, I'd like to receive a small amount of items AND STARDUST. Perhaps a small chance of rare items. Rewards should scaled based on the difficulty of the quest.i.e. the harder the quest, the more rewards you'd get.Maybe catching 10 Pidgey would give an extra 300 Stardust and 3 items, but a quest for catching a Pidgeot would give 2500 Stardust 7 normal items and 3 guaranteed rare items (TMs, Rare Candy, etc)What do you guys think?EDIT: I've based the quest examples on the structure that currently exists in the game.If it wasn't clear, I want the quests to be very dependent on the area around them. For rural areas, this might work as well. Only 1 Pokémon spawning every hour? "Catch 5 Pokémon today" instead of 10. Rural area only gets Pidgey and Rattata? "Catch 3 Pidgey." or "Catch 3 Rattata"Nothing spawns around? "Walk 1km today"EDIT: As I said, the different quests are endless. Here's some other possible quests:Catch 5 Pink Pokémon (This might encourage different styles of play)Spin the disc at the "Chilli Lane" gym (This would encourage exploration if you don't know the area, or a fetch quest mechanic if you do know the area)Power up a Pokémon 3 times (Players with lots of Stardust might power up strong Pokémon while players with less Stardust might power up their lowest level Pokémon just to fulfill the quest and make a Stardust profit)Hatch a 2km egg (This would require finding the correct egg AND walking enough to hatch it)Spin the disc at a Mystic gym (a random team might be chosen here and would actually require some friendly team dynamics. Maybe Valor has taken over all the gyms in the area and needs Mystic to take one down for this quest)Maybe some of the quests can even be mini quizzes with instant rewards!What Pokémon is #147?Choose the Pokémon that evolves into Cloyster: [Sudowoodo][Shellder][Squirtle]Which of these Pokémon is the Mouse Pokémon? [Pidgey][Pikachu][Elekid] via /r/pokemongo http://ift.tt/2gBbRDb
"[Suggestion] How I'd like a Quest feature to work"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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