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"Pokemon do not spawn in the last few minutes of incense if you are stationary and your app has been minimized for more than 5 minutes."

#PokemonGO: I've noticed this on multiple incense sessions this past week. Whenever I'm using an incense while stationary for example at home or at work, I sometimes forget that I had an incense on after having the game minimized for most of the time the incense has been running (to respond to call or a message) but some of those times I remember just in time with about 2 minutes remaining on the timer. Since I had the game minimized for more than 5 minutes, I was expecting to get at least one more spawn within those last few minutes but nothing. No spawn and the incense timer expires with no spawn.I know it's my fault for forgetting that I had an incense on but I thought the incense ran on a 5 minute interval if you're not moving? If that is how it works (which I believe it does) shouldn't a Pokemon have spawned within that last 5 minutes?I'm also curious if anyone else has noticed this too. Thanks for your input in advance! via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Pokemon do not spawn in the last few minutes of incense if you are stationary and your app has been minimized for more than 5 minutes." "Pokemon do not spawn in the last few minutes of incense if you are stationary and your app has been minimized for more than 5 minutes." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 07:15 Rating: 5

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