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"Legitimate player banned due to false reporting by spoofers"

#PokemonGO: I thought this had only happened to me but after seeing posts of people who had gone through the same thing, I realized I'm not the only victim. I was an active level 39 player who had played the game since it came out and as broken as the gym system was, I enjoyed that part the most. My area has an overwhelming amount of Instinct spoofers and being one of the only Valor players, holding gyms for any stretch of time was nearly impossible. Once the new gym system came out though and with golden berries becoming available, I was able to bike from gym to gym and drop high Blisseys into them and as long as I paid attention to my phone and golden berried them when the inevitable spoofer attacks started, I could hold them off. When they realized that their cheating wasn't going to cut it anymore, they started mass reporting me and I got the same e-mails from niantic that other people have reported getting. They wrote that "players were offended by my behavior" and when I replied by asking what exactly I was doing wrong, they didn't specify and told me that as long as I was adhering to the TOS and Trainer guidelines, I shouldn't worry about it. After receiving a few e-mails, of that nature, I got one that said that I broke the TOS and that a hold was placed on my account and that if I reply back that I understand the TOS and Trainer guidelines, they'll unlock my account. I did so and asked them again what I did wrong, and they said I used vulgar language. So I did what they asked me and got my account back a week later. I took a little break from gyms and then as soon as I started to place my pokemon in my area's gym's again, I got another e-mail saying that I was reported for "Real harassment" and that another hold was placed on my account. They asked me to do the same thing, which I did, and I got my account back two weeks later. At this point, you can see the pattern developing. A few days after getting my account back for the second time, I got another e-mail saying that my account was permanently deleted for violations of the TOS. When I tried to appeal, they told me they "reviewed" my account and concluded that I broke the TOS and that their decision was final. All of this happened within the span of about a month. After receiving the replies that I did from their Customer Support, I figured that there was nothing I could do but after seeing that I wasn't the only one who something like this happened to, maybe there is some hope for me as well?Edit: my trainer name was Validictus. via /r/pokemongo
"Legitimate player banned due to false reporting by spoofers" "Legitimate player banned due to false reporting by spoofers" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:27 Rating: 5

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