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"Maximising BP gain from Mantine Surf"

So I'm not sure if somebody has brought this up already, but there seems to be some uncertainty of what the max BP you can earn from a single session of Mantine Surf is. Although scores of 10 or 12 are common, you can net much more than that if you can get a high enough score on certain beaches.My record is currently on Ula'Ula beach is 137,524, which earned me 38BP just for that one session alone.Maximising BP earnt:So there are basically a few things I do to ensure I get the max amount of points per run. Note that I'm doing this from the Ula'ula beach surf spot to the Akala surf spot, as it is much longer than the others, allowing you to earn more points.On small waves and going at max speed, you can perform a Primarina Twist and a Starmie 720 in one go, allowing for 4000-6000 points.On large waves and going at max speed, you can perform a Lanturn 360 and a Starmie 720 in one go, again, allowing for 4000-6000 points.I'm not too certain how to maximise points earnt from Magikarp Splash and Over-The-Gyarados, as sometimes I have earnt upwards of 12000 points doing the latter, yet other times only around 500 points. Although Serebii mentions you lose points for doing them succesively, I have personally found I am more likely to get a lot of points with Over-The-Gyarados when doing it while at max speed on a large wave. Similarly, I have earnt around 6000 points performing Magikarp Splash while going at max speed on a small wave.Although this won't net you 30+BP each time due to things like the odd Sharpedo and Tentacool ruining your speed, it can definitely help make farming BP for power items and move tutors much faster.EDIT: As /u/SneakyGreens pointed out, you can only use Over-The-Gyarados once you've obtained a high score on all 4 beach spots.EDIT 2: As /u/sadisticmystic1 has also pointed out, input accuracy (i.e. smooth joystick movements) allows for more points, as well as varying up your moves. Magikarp Splash and Over-The-Gyarados are also only good for one attempt, after which they become effectively worthless. via /r/pokemon
"Maximising BP gain from Mantine Surf" "Maximising BP gain from Mantine Surf" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:00 Rating: 5

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