"Who exactly is the target audience for raids now?"
#PokemonGO: Raids have always been at an awkward time, but after daylight savings ended it's now moved into a nearly impossible time frame for a lot of people to participate. Before this Sunday, raids still only lasted till around 7PM at the latest, but now they're ending an hour earlier and have shortened timers too. The standard workday in the US is 9AM - 5PM, and if we add in 30 minutes to 1 hour for commuting + eating, that's basically when the raids are ending right now.Simply put, there's no time for us to participate in raids anymore. I'm not even asking for a group for level 3+ raids - even level 1 raids are impossible now because there are none to be found when I'm off work.I can't even spend money on raid passes now because there's no way to use them. I do see a few people organizing raids all day on Discord - attending 5 raids a day during regular work hours. I've spoken to a few players on weekends who raid a lot and it turns out they're mostly unemployed or underemployed. Is that really the target audience of this game now? You'd want to target people with disposable income, not the unemployed...?To do that, you have to set raid times to match with working hours for the vast majority of working people. I get that some people may work odd hours, but you'd still be able to cover the vast majority of employed people by shifting the hours by 2-3 hours. via /r/pokemongo http://ift.tt/2AvO3JR
"Who exactly is the target audience for raids now?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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