"Is it just me or Porygon is way to common in 10k eggs"

#PokemonGO: Since gen 3 was released I've hatched X 10km eggs: I've hatched 1 sudowoodo, 3 Porygons in a row, 1 Snorlax, 1 Porygon. Before gen 3 was released I've hatched another 2 Porygons. It's starting to annoy me specially since Ralts and Slakoth were added to the 10km egg pool. I know it should be RNG but it is weird considering how hard was to hatch a porygon before the halloween event.edit: hatched another 10k.. and ot was another Porygon xD*too (in the title) via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2ABsbk2
"Is it just me or Porygon is way to common in 10k eggs"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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