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"Partly cloudy - The Best weather to farm stardust, as it boosts Normal type Pokémon and a single catch of a Racticate, Pideotto, Noctowl or Furret gives out 375 stardust. So on top of the normal pidgeys and rattatas the second level evolution Pokémon really help with stardust farming.Happy farming!"

#PokemonGO: via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Partly cloudy - The Best weather to farm stardust, as it boosts Normal type Pokémon and a single catch of a Racticate, Pideotto, Noctowl or Furret gives out 375 stardust. So on top of the normal pidgeys and rattatas the second level evolution Pokémon really help with stardust farming.Happy farming!" "Partly cloudy - The Best weather to farm stardust, as it boosts Normal type Pokémon and a single catch of a Racticate, Pideotto, Noctowl or Furret gives out 375 stardust. So on top of the normal pidgeys and rattatas the second level evolution Pokémon really help with stardust farming.Happy farming!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:38 Rating: 5

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