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"[Other] Revive shortage guide: How to deal with lack of revives"

#PokemonGO: There's been a lot of discussions regarding a shortage of revives and questions what to do to deal with it. So here's my guide on how to deal with a lack of revives:The way to deal with this is a matter of maximizing the number of revives you get, and minimizing the number of revives you spend.The way to get as many revives as possible is simply to Spin more gyms, as many gyms as possible. Gyms has a much higher chance of dropping revives, so spin as many gyms as you can. To be as efficient as possible you'll want the gyms to drop as many items as possible from each spin, so silver or gold gym badges will help a lot, as will spinning gyms controlled by your team.But maximizing number of obtained revives is only half the equation.In order to minimize the number of revives you spend you need to learn how to Play smart. Using optimal, potion-efficient pokémon when attacking will make a huge difference. So if you haven't already, learning proper type-match-ups and the gym-meta will help you save a lot of revives.Dodging and switching attackers when attacking gyms is also a game-changer. By dodging and switching to an optimal attacker for each defender I most often manage to take down gyms without a single attacker fainting, only having to spend revives on returning defenders and after Raids.Dodging isn't really reliable in raid battles, but the same rule of using optimal attackers against raid bosses still applies and can save revives as well.If you're in a really bad revive shortage, you can also resort to using fodder pokémon, pokémon that you have no intention of saving. Throwaway fodder pokémon can be used both when attacking gyms and used to be place as gym defenders for coins. However, don't expect to be able to hold newly claimed gyms for long using fodder defenders, but if you're reinforcing a gym and you doubt your defender would make a huge difference, then you might as well save a revive and place a fodder defender.And that's my advice how to better manage your revives. I hope it helps and allows you to enjoy the game more. via /r/pokemongo
"[Other] Revive shortage guide: How to deal with lack of revives" "[Other] Revive shortage guide: How to deal with lack of revives" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:29 Rating: 5

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