"Overlaying Open Street Map and S2 cells - my understanding of how to use osmcoverer with basic instructions"
#PokemonGO: Below are basic instructions for using osmcoverer to see an overlay of s2 cells and Open Street Map. I got here thanks to this post about overlaying level 20 cells and the game map and this post asking how to overlay s2 and OSM and the comments on both. There are likely errors and incorrect terms in what I'm laying out below because I came in to this with no clue what I was doing - but that also means if you wanted to try this and felt lost, you can probably do it.1) Download and Save osmcoverer- Create a folder out of which you intend to work. Go to the osmcoverer releases page and download the file appropriate for your operating system. Unzip downloaded file in to the folder you just made to work out of. There should now be an osmcoverer application and readme file in that folder, leave that alone for now.Did you try to run that application and not know what was wrong when it didn’t do anything? I did. An embarrassing number of times.2) Prepare Your Input - Find the area you want to cover in s2 cells on google maps (or any map of your choice) and get the latitude and longitude of two opposite corners of the area - example of points I used for these instructions. Create a spreadsheet with three columns, column A is a name for the point, column B is latitude, column C is longitude. Enter your two corner points in that format - spreadsheet example. Save this sheet out as a .csv file in the same place you saved the osmcoverer file.3) Run osmcoverer - Open command prompt and navigate to the directory everything is saved in. Don't have confidence you know how to do that? I didn't. This link helped get me the basics of using command prompt. Once you’ve accomplished that, type “osmcoverer -markers=filename.csv -grid=20” where “filename” is your .csv file name, and “20” is the s2 cell size you want to see. Hit enter and wait a second. If everything was done right, you should see a series of lines show up underneath with “Done” at the bottom. Here is what mine looked like.4) Open and Admire the Result - If you go back to your chosen file location there should be an “output” folder there, and in that folder a file named “output.geojson”, if things worked the time/date information on that should be recent. Now go to this geojson editor and click on “OSM” in the bottom left to change the map displayed to Open Street Map, then load that new output file by clicking Open>File in the top left and navigating to your output file. Hopefully it looks something like this.Tadaa! Now repeat and tweak as needed.There are a lot of other things this tool can do, some of which are referenced in the osmcoverer readme file and in the notes here.Thank you to u/MzRed for the original post and link, and u/baviaannl for some of the additional information that helped me understand how to do this. I hope I'm not stepping on any toes posting this. Please comment freely with corrections or additional information. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2mcCEs8
"Overlaying Open Street Map and S2 cells - my understanding of how to use osmcoverer with basic instructions"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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