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"Soloing all T3 raid bosses without a repeating Pokemon - the Unique 42 challenge"

#PokemonGO: As a level 40 who greatly enjoys soloing T3 raids in various ways (it is currently my end-game content) and competing with other fellow level 40s in this aspect, I observed some other 40s doing what is called a "Unique 42 challenge" - soloing all 7 T3 raid bosses without a single repeating mon. I have been doing a lot of "Unique 6" solos of late, so the challenge in this appealed to me, and I took it up. I used the following rules:No repeating mon over the course of all solos (so a max of 42 different Pokemon)No legendaries or pseudo legendaries (so no Dragonite/Tyranitar)No weather boost (took this as an added challenge as I saw the trainer who did it before me did it with weather boosts.It took me about a week to accomplish it, but in the end, these were the results, and the lineups used:AlakazamScytherOmastarNinetalesGengarPorygonMachampHoundoomSudowoodoVenusaurGyaradosAlakazamBlazikenGardevoirGengarFlareonBellossomSharpedoEspeonHariyamaExeggutorPinsirJolteonVictreebelGolemBanettePoliwrathXatuScizorCloysterSceptileSwampertJynxHitmonleeCharizardShiftryLaprasVileplumeVaporeonSlowbroPrimeapeSlowkingAbsolArcanineTangelaStarmieRhydonBreloomMachampCloudyCloudyCloudyCloudyCloudyRainyPartly Cloudy178 s164 s178 s178 s157 s136 s175 sPC/FSAS/AAWG/HPFS/SBSP/FBHP/SBBP/DPNote: Third-last row indicates weather conditions in the raid, second-last row denotes time elapsed to finish the raid boss, and last row indicates raid boss moveset. Pokemon in Italics indicates unused Pokemon in the raid.These were the observations I made after this challenge:Selecting a team for this kind of challenge is a good task in itself. It took me a good 45 minutes to think of different Pokemon and lineups for each.In order of difficulty, I would rate the bosses like this - Ninetales, Alakazam, Omastar, Machamp, Gengar, Scyther and Porygon. The challenge with Ninetales is choosing a good set of Pokemon other than Gyarados which have a good mix of survivability and time-to-win, and maximising damage output with the Gyarados (since it is the fastest non-Kyogre option in most cases). Alakazam is also pretty hard without a team of near-maxed counters (which was the case of Ninetales, even more so because I went up against Solar Beam Ninetales). In case of Ninetales, Sharpedo, although glassier than your conventional glass cannon, is a fantastic option to ease the clock, if you have a good high level one.Omastar is also a challenging one if you go up against non-Hydro Pump movesets. I failed twice against Omastar in this challenge, both against Ancient Power (once because it was boosted and I got some stupid rubber-banding glitches, and another time just because I timed out). My grass team isn't the best though, I ended up doing Omastar with a very underleveled team (a combination of weather-boosted evolves and L30 or below grass attackers) - barely beat the clock.Moveset does matter in most cases - again, if the lineups are chosen smartly, they should be able to deal with most movesets. However, I feel Shadow ball variants of Alakazam and Gengar are both extremely hard to accomplish in this fashion.Usage of maxed mons: My maximum usage of L40 mons was in Alakazam and Ninetales (4 each), followed by Machamp (3 - Gardevoir, Exeggutor and Charizard). In many other cases, it was limited to one or two maxed mons, and in case of Porygon, I managed it with only level 30-35 evolves from weather boosted catches. If you are not a high leveled trainer with many maxed mons, it might be advised to either use legendaries/pseudos and/or use a weather boost, if you are really keen on this challenge :)Weather conditions made it hard at times to find the raid boss of choice - especially Machamp. In my case, we have cloudy weather almost always, and I wanted to avoid weather boost on my Gardevoir in a Machamp raid, so it took me some time and effort to look for a Machamp raid. Luckily, I didn't have an issue with most other raids, since we do have rainy weather here the other times it's not cloudy.IMO for trainers interested in more challenges in the game, this can be a fantastic avenue to test the strength of a varied set of Pokemon, and the dodging skills - not just having maxed mons alone. I would strongly recommend this challenge to anyone who's keen to try it out, it is a highly enjoyable exercise.Here is the playlist of all 7 solos of mine, if you're interested in checking them out.I'm curious to hear your feedback and I'll be happy to answer any questions about this :) via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Soloing all T3 raid bosses without a repeating Pokemon - the Unique 42 challenge" "Soloing all T3 raid bosses without a repeating Pokemon - the Unique 42 challenge" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 15:20 Rating: 5

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