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"[Discussion] Is there anyone left who still plays cause they just like Pokémon?"

#PokemonGO: Whoops, deleted the previous version cause I forgot to add a flair on mobile!I'm sure there are, sorry if this sounds like just a complaining post. But it's gotten to the point where I constantly consider dropping this game not because of the bugs or gameplay aspects of it, but because almost no one in my area who plays this game has even played a Pokémon game in the past. Now don't get me wrong, in general that's fine, I'm glad they're having fun. But it's really tiring trying to meet up with people when all they talk about is IVs and how many raid passes they've gotten and how strong their teams are and how they're grinding the game when I'd like to every once in a while get to talk to someone about how much they just like swablu as a Pokémon or something. I dunno, I'm just super sad that it seems most of the people who actually know Pokémon and really like it don't play the game anymore. I really hope quests bring some people back, but I'm also worried it will just turn things into more of a grind-fest like people (in my area) treat it now. I dunno, anyone have similar sentiments? Or maybe have a different spin on it? I'm just feeling lonely here with my collection of skitties lolEDIT: Woah, didn't actually expect this to blow up! I want to make clear that in no way do I have anything against people who play for IVs and grinding, I just would like more people in my area to just talk about Pokémon in general instead of what feels like mostly just IVs and such (of course there's exceptions!) via /r/pokemongo
"[Discussion] Is there anyone left who still plays cause they just like Pokémon?" "[Discussion] Is there anyone left who still plays cause they just like Pokémon?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 21:28 Rating: 5

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