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"Alolan Eggy bug: super effective charge attacks not registering for field research"

#PokemonGO: Had the field research “use a super effective charge attack in 7 gym battles”. I had completed 5 of 7. Battled an Alolan Exeggutor first with an ice beam Lapras, then an Azumarill with play rough, and finally a Pidgey with twister. None of them budged my field research despite the “super effective” message showing up during the battles. Completed the research by battling a different Pokémon. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Alolan Eggy bug: super effective charge attacks not registering for field research" "Alolan Eggy bug: super effective charge attacks not registering for field research" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:24 Rating: 5

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