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"Calling all candy hoarders!"

#PokemonGO: Once a month six of my friends and I get together (rotating between our apartments when it comes to hosting) and have a "PoGo Potluck" where we make dinner or more often, order delivery. We're all enthusiastic players ranging from level 37-40 and an almost even spread of distribution in teams (3 Instinct, 2 Mystic and 2 Valor) and its a great way to talk about what we caught this week, interesting things we've seen online, our goals for raiding or for dex completion, talk about the fights we saw on the Discord, etc.To my point, we had dinner last night and it got mentioned one of the level 40 trainers was walking a Beedrill. Everyone laughed and started giving him crap. I mean we live in a place with fairly common Weedle spawns, at least during cloudy weather you can see three or four an hour if you're out and about. Finally someone asked him if he was serious and in fact he had walked his 132 kilometers. He said about two weeks ago he caught a perfect Kakuna. He said that since his regional dex has been completed and most of his competitive and meta relevant pokemon are powered up past level 35, he evolved the Kakuna and now wanted to max it out. He said that having his buddy be Beedrill has been incredibly helpful in the short game because he finds candy quickly to complete the "earn a candy walking with your buddy" field research tasks and also knows exactly which pokemon to power up for the "power up a pokemon" research tasks. Suddenly he was the genius in the room. He wasn't alone in the buddy situation either because one of the Valor trainers just started walking a Pidgey because he has a perfect Pidgeot to max out and as he says, Pidgey got farmed to extinction.I was all of a sudden realizing that everybody has a different purpose or goal for their candy stocks. While some people walk something they need candy to max out, others might be walking a pokemon to get the candy for a dex entry (one of our group has just three more candy to walk with his Lombre) while I'm currently walking a Surskit because I'm a little on the crazy side and like to have 100 candy on hand for any given Pokemon.All of this got me thinking about what buddy Pokemon trainers out there are currently walking and why. So I am hoping to get some answers to the following questions just to build a data set that can better potentially reflect how people use the buddy system and provide a sense of the goals others have.SOOO If you're so inclined, beautiful strangers in the internet, I ask you to answer these questions if you have time.What Pokemon is your buddy and is it nicknamed?How long have you had the Pokemon and how far have you walked it?Why did you choose to buddy with that Pokemon?Any things you would change about that buddy?Lastly, what team do you represent and what is your trainer level.Thanks tremendously in advanceETA: the title may not be the most accurate but the post itself kind of went slightly in a different direction because I'm walking my buddy to hoard its candy, not everyone is hoarding candy like I am I realize and now it's too late to change the title. So please, goblins of Reddit out there readying your torches and prepped to scream about the way the title give some misconceptions about the post, I recognize the mistake already. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Calling all candy hoarders!" "Calling all candy hoarders!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:13 Rating: 5

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