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"The 'Let's Go!' games might not be for you but are still a good move"

They are obviously made for younger and more casual gamers. This will be the first real game for a lot of people who stepped in with Pokémon Go, which is still a pretty popular game. It's just a smart way of gaining new players, touching on nostalgia for other players and tiding core players over for a while.These games might not be what you wanted, but that's why they mentioned the 2019 core games.Let's be honest though, who isn't buying this game purely for the following buddy Pokémon? via /r/pokemon
"The 'Let's Go!' games might not be for you but are still a good move" "The 'Let's Go!' games might not be for you but are still a good move" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 23:11 Rating: 5

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