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"The data files from Pokemon go"

#PokemonGO: Hi!,I asked Niantic for all the data they have from me for Pokemon go a couple of days ago at []('m a level 40 player (now looking at it I play a lot, but I think it is mostly because of the pokemon go plus :D). I'm sharing it so the community could understand what info does niantic stores from us . The GPS and email information have been removed for privacy. I left the 0.0 values of the GPS because it looks like a NULL (they didn't get GPS info) and it could be interesting for analisys.Weird things I found out is, there's no info about my phone device, IP, carrier, hardware, etc. Also, they say they only store 2 month of GPS info and it seams that there's a couple of days more? maybe they need to update that.Link to GitHub via /r/TheSilphRoad
"The data files from Pokemon go" "The data files from Pokemon go" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:07 Rating: 5

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